BONUS Chapter Fifty | When We Graduate

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I laid in the living room of my house, twisting the necklace that Langa had given me not too long ago. I had left it behind when I rejected his feelings for me the first time, but he gave it to me again and I took it without a second thought. The idea of gift giving wasn't foreign to me, but it made me think about what I could possibly give Langa.

"What are you doing?" I looked further back and saw my little sister staring down at me. "Just thinking. What are you doing?" I blinked at Koyomi and she smiled happily at me. "Watching my big brother stare at a necklace like a lovesick puppy. Did Langa give that to you?"

I sat up quickly and felt my face tinge pink. "S-So what if he did?" My hand dropped the necklace and I swallowed nervously. "Just asking. Are you supposed to hang out with him today?" Koyomi sat down opposite me, and I watched the twins make their way over to me quickly. Because if one of the girls were here, then they all had to be.

Not that I was complaining.

"Langas' out with his mum right now. Getting something for graduation he said." I picked up my little sisters and propped them down on each of my knees, cuddling them and rubbing their backs to keep them calm enough not to knock me over. "Oh okay, when's that again?"

"In a few weeks."

"Mm." My sisters' blunt remarks were making me a little nervous. She normally spoke like that when she was building up to ask something. "Are you going to marry him?" Koyomi leaned back on her hands, and my face started to burn. "W-Why do you wanna know?"

"Marry him! Marry him!" The twins, who were apparently listening, started shaking my shoulders aggressively and chanting together. Koyomi stood up again and smiled, "I was just investigating."

"Koyomi get back here and take care of the twins! You caused this!" I was ignoring their chanting, but it was embarrassing if anyone else walked in and heard what they were saying. "Have fun babysitting big brother~"

I managed to calm the girls down after a few minutes, and laid back down, with them in my arms this time. "Yeah," I brushed their hair with my hands and hummed them to sleep quietly. "I will marry him, don't you worry."

My eyes peeled open and I felt my left arm free of the weight of my toddler sister. The weight on my right arm was a lot heavier though. "Koyomi...?" I rolled my body to the side and caught Langas' sleeping body on my arm. "Ah-" I blinked a few times at my boyfriend, his body curled up like some sort of cat, sleeping soundly on my arm.

"Mm." Langa stirred in his sleep, and I shuffled down so our faces were aligned with each other. "Hey, Langa. Are you awake?" I whispered softly and got a delayed response. "...eah..." I breathed out a chuckle, there was no way he was actually awake if he was answering like that. "Langa, I love you."

There was an inaudible mumble from Langa, and I smiled. "I love everything about you. The way your hair parts, the way your teeth line together, and how you always sit your left leg over your right. I love how you play with my hair and the way you laugh when no one but us are together. I love your appetite for food and how you do your middle buttons first when you're buttoning shirts up. I love the way you paint my nails and play with my hair, the way you smile in class on your own because you think I don't notice you staring at me. I love the way your eyes tint in the sun and reflect in the moon, and I love when you blow strands of hair out of your face and the way you look at ladybugs like they're your own pet. I love you."

"You're disgusting." I cocked my head to the side and caught Koyomi standing at the door, "G-Get lost-!" I shouted at her in a gritted whisper, and she giggled before running off again. "I'm going to marry you one day," I kissed Langas' nose quickly and snuggled against his chest. happily, "Okay?"

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