BONUS Chapter Fourty-Three | Yes, My Love?

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Getting out of the shower was harder in the winter when you knew it was cold. Chilly enough to shiver but not enough for it to snow. Windy enough to curse the weather but soft enough to think it shapes the mood of the day. I used to curse out the cold weather for making me shiver, but now I was thanking the excuse to cuddle up to my boyfriend.

Langa had lent me a few of his turtlenecks for the winter in case I didn't want to wear my hoodies to school, and today was the first day I decided I would wear one. Looking at the three that he had given me, I had the choice of black, white and purple. It was tough to make a decision, but I went with the least likely to stand out colour white. Easy not to be spotted by teachers that way.

I stretched into the turtleneck and pulled my head through the collar in time for my bedroom door to slide open. "Reki?" Langa shut the door behind him and looked back at me who was half-dressed with unkempt hair. "Ah- Hey." I ran my fingers through my hair in an attempt to fix the knots that hadn't been taken care of yet, and Langa stepped over to me. "Hey." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, and I returned it with a smile between us. "You aren't ready for school yet."

"I know that geez, I was almost ready until you showed up." I walked over to my black jacket and slipped it over my shirt, then grabbed my headband and shuffled it around my head. "Uhm- Can I-?" Langa cut his sentence off, fiddling with the hair that hung in front of his face. It seemed like it was getting in the way more than usual lately. "Langa, can I do your hair?"

He brightened up at the offer and sat down on my bed patiently while I grabbed my hairbrush and a few loose hair ties that I had laying around the room. Then I walked over to where Langa was, "Uhm- I need to sit behind you." I crawled along my bed and hesitantly let a leg hang on either side of him. "I-Is this okay?"

"Y-Yeah," Langa whispered the word back at me and I started pulling his hair together. "Ponytail?" I was just running my fingers through his hair right now, sort of massaging his head when I got the chance. "Mhm."

I started brushing his hair back towards me, gathering it all up with one hand, but I was starting to notice that his skin was going a little red. Maybe he was cold, or maybe he was embarrassed about sitting in my lap. I knew he wouldn't mention it in case I got worried.

"Is that good?" I flipped my fingers through the last part of the hair tie and made sure it was tight enough for it to stay in. "Yeah." Langa didn't move his head until I put my hands down, and then he looked back at me. "Uhm- Can I... Can I do your hair?"

I narrowed my eyes at my boyfriend, curious about his ulterior motives behind the question. His eyes looked so shy like if I made a noise he was unfamiliar with he would run off and hide. "Yeah, of course." I watched Langa stand up and I shuffled forwards, then stood up with him. "Did you want me to sit on the bed or-?"

Without warning, Langa grabbed my waist and pulled me down on his lap. So, now I was sitting on Langa, who was sitting on my bed. Which was a situation I didn't think I would be in this early in the morning, or of course, at all.

"Uhm- L-Langa... What are you...?" Langas' hands slid up my chest and I felt my heart leap out of my throat. "I was just making you comfortable." He stopped what he was doing and started fiddling with my hair. He wasn't planning on tying it up, I already knew that. But his hands felt nice on my head, massaging slowly like I was getting my hair washed professionally.

"Reki?" Langa moved his hand down my neck and stopped for a moment. This was a new experience for me, and I could only put it down to being in a relationship for the first time. I was already aware that Langa was clingy, but so was I when it came to him. "Mm?" I reached behind me for the brush that I had left on the bed, but Langa got to it first. "Uhm... Can I kiss you?" His sentence muffled against the back of my head and I could feel his heart beating against my back. "H-How are you supposed to get to my lips from behind me?"

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