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There was Rosie. I looked at Zoe before climbing up the hay to reach her. I took her headphones off making her jump.

'What are you doing?' I asked.

'Oh. Hey, sis. I was just texting Angela and she said they are having a really good time.' Rosie said.

'We thought a wild horse had run off with you.' Zoe said from the ground.

'A wild horse? Get a grip, sis.'

'You found her, then?' Marcus asked.

'Yes. Now we're leaving.' I told him helping Rosie down.

'Why the rush?' Rosie asked.
'Hi, my name's Rosie, but you can call me Rosie. Or just call me.'
Wow what a great attempt with flirting.

'Ignore her. Home. Now.' I instructed leading her out.

'Call me.' I shoved Rosie.

'Oh my god. Hot Marcus totally looked at your face.' Blondie exclaimed.

'Don't most people look at your face when they're talking to you?' I asked.

'I'd steer clear if I were you. Mia's basically cocked her leg and peed on him.' Brunette said.

'That's disgusting.' Me and Blondie said.

'Excuse me?' Rosie called.
'What happened to "Home. Now"?'

'We are coming.' Zoe told her.
'Thank you guys so much. I'll see you later.' I smiled at them.

'Wait. Um, just wondering-- Maybe not. You've probably got way better offers--.' Blondie stuttered.

'She's asking for your number.' Brunette said. Me and Zoe smiled and got out our phones.

'You told Mia your phone was dead.'

'Give me them digits.' I smiled.


'Mom was really worried!' We tell Rosie.

'Mom get's worried if I walk under a ladder.' Rosie tells us.

'Just because you can't get Wi-Fi for two minutes, doesn't mean you can go off and disappear.' I told her.

'You know I feel funny when I can't get online.' She says.

'You are not a baby, Ro.' I tell her.

'Then stop treating me like one.' She says stopping.
'Dad chose not to come with us, didn't he?'

'No, he had work. You know that.' Zoe told her.

'He's busy.' I added.

'Whatever.' She said putting her hand up.
'As soon as we get to Grandpa's I'm googling the Constitution.'

I started walking slowly not noticing Zoe had stopped and a boy had climbed out the bushes and was now standing infront of her. I stopped walking.

'I swear Zo. That girl will be the death of me. How can a 10 year old be so sassy and still an angry ball of glitter. It does not make sense?!' I turned back round to see another set of eyes looking at me.
'You were not standing right there before. Are british people secretly wizards and witches who went to Hogwarts?'

I noticed a bag on the ground which must be his. I walked over and picked it up.

'Here you go!' I smiled.

'Have a look.' He said. I raised an eyebrow and looked round to Zoe.

'What? I'm handing you the bag why would I want too look inside.' I asked.
'Unless, you're a murderer who made it a trap and then your gonna kill me and her. Please don't let that be true. Why don't you take it and you also won't kill us. I say its a win-win for all. There you go and have a good day.' I smiled and took Zoe's hand, walking off.

I felt an urge to look back at the mysterious boy so I did. Hmmm. I wonder if I'll see him again. I turned back round and carried on walking back to the house.


'Right, that's one very grubby daughter in the bath.' Mom told us walking into the kitchen. Zoe was getting herself a drink and I was sat next to Grandpa.
'Where exactly did you find her?'

'The stables.' Zoe replied.

'The stables?' Mom asked.

'Mm-hmm. Yeah, they had Wi-Fi.' I told her.

'Poor you, having to deal with a bunch of pony princesses.' Mom laughed.

'No they weren't--.' Mom cut off Zoe.

'Tomorrow I'll go into the village and set Grandpa up with the Internet.'

'Oh, no. I don't need you coming over here, bringing all your new-fangled LA ideas.' Gramps said.

Mom laughed.
'It's not an LA thing. It's the whole world. It's about time you caught up.'

I placed a hand on Grandpa's arm and nodded my head.

'Mom, where's my strawberry glitter shampoo?' Rosie called. I laughed.
Mom left back upstairs to help Rosie out.

'So, you liked the stables, then?' Gramps asked, me and Zoe.

'Yeah, Yeah, we did.' Zoe replied.

'Bright Fields is a good place. I just hope young Sam can keep it going.' Gramps said. That's her name. Sam. Got it.

'Mom doesn't seem to think much of it.' Zoe said.

'Maggie's always been more of a city girl.' Gramps told us. An alarm started ringing behind me.

'Ooh.' Gramps got up and did something with the pots and pans. I went back upstairs to my room and closed the door. I collapsed on to my bed, being careful I didn't knock my phone on to the floor. A notification went off. It was Blondie who I found out was Becky.

You and Zoe are famous!

I smiled and tapped on the link onto Becky's Blog. There we were. I set my phone down and started to sort out my clothes.

'How are you settling in?' A voice asked from behind me. Mom.

'Good. Just sorting out my clothes. Which by the mention of clothes we need to go shopping so I could help out you with your clothes.' I said. She chuckled and sat down next to me.

'I wanted to say thank you for today. You and Zoe have been stars.' She told me.
'I'm sorry for being such a-- .'

'Massively overprotective drama queen?' I asked.

'I was gonna go with "concerned mom." She said. I laughed.
'Having Rosie to chase around the Island will give you something to do this summer.'

'Mm, right after I come up with new and intresting ways to lie about Dad.' I laughed.
'I'm sorry, Mom-- .'

'It's okay.' She reassured me.
'Your dad and I just need a bit if time apart to figure out....where we're going wrong.'

'Yeah.Yeah.' I agreed.

'Enjoy unpacking.' She smiled getting up and leaving the room. This will be one long summer.

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