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'Alright.' I spoke to Raven entering his stable whilst Zoe went next door to Luna's.
'Let's test this out, shall we? If it works..... it works. If it doesn't.... it doesn't. Simple.' I placed the tack on the wooden door. I turned to Raven.
'Got it?'

I picked up the royal blue saddle pad first and made my way over to Raven. I decided to just go for it but still checked to see if Raven got distressed. I chucked the saddle pad onto his back without him having a reaction.

'See? That wasn't too bad. Huh?' I told him.
'It probably feels weird but you are doing so well, honey. Wanna try and push our luck a little further?'

I walked over to the saddle and lifted it off the door and brought it over to Raven.
'Okay, almost done.' I placed the saddle on Raven's back, gently. He made a little noise but I calmed him down softly.

'Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're alright. You're okay.' I reassured him. I started fussing him about, giving him loads of attention.
I noticed Zoe outside with Luna but getting on her.

'We did it Luna!' I heard her say.

'Zoe Phillips what are you doing?' I asked.

'Aubrey! I thought you were Sam.' Zoe held her chest.

'I will soon turn into Sam. What are you doing on Luna?' I asked.

'Just testing our luck.' Zoe replied.
'You get on Raven. It will be fine. We won't go anywhere.'

I nodded but did so not wanting to disappoint Zoe. I sat in the saddle and grabbed hold of the reigns.
I could see they were getting a bit distressed. They were moving in different places.

'They're getting distressed, Zoe. Let's get down.' I ordered. Suddenly, Luna bursted forward and Raven followed

'Luna! Stop!' Zoe shouted. I shouted the same to Raven.

'Zoe, Aubrey, what are you doing?' I heard Jade call.

We approached these sort of race track that had been set up. A quad bike was being driven round it right now. I saw we were heading striaght for it. We jumped over the 'fencing' and started bolting through the 'tracks.'

We passed the qaud bike meaning we were going so fast. I kept telling Raven to slow down and that I was sorry bit nothing.

We jumped over the metal fence and started heading for the forest. After bolting through the forest we approached the beach where Raven and Luna chucked both of us off of their backs.

'Zoe!' I shouted.
'Zoe. Are you good?'

'I think.' She replied.

'Mouthful of sand and trauma from that ride but other then that I'm ok.' I said.

I helped her up. She started screaming at Luna. I didn't know what to do I was relieved when Marcus arrived. There was still sand in my mouth which I was desperately trying to get off.

'This is what happens when you push things.' Marcus told us.
'I told you. I warned you. You need to learn the Basic's first. Raven and Luna aren't ready. And neither are you two.'

'I'm so sorry.' Zoe apoligised.

'We know. Raven and Luna could have been hurt. And we're sorry. We weren't thinking.' I added.

'One of you can ride back with me on Monty, if you like.' Marcus told us.
'We're going on the roads.'

'Thank you, Marcus, but... I think I'm just gonna walk, okay?' Zoe told him.

'I'll come back to the stables with you. Just wanna make sure that they're okay.' I smiled. Marcus nodded and grabbed hold of both horses aswell as his own. Then we set off. I felt bad. Really bad.

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