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[Author's note:

Sorry it took so long to update. It's been a rough couple of months.

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          Thomas was in heaven, which looked oddly enough like a private convalescence room. It didn't matter to him, as within his grasp and beneath the touch of his rough hands was the warm body of the woman he had sought after for weeks. Clothing was scattered on the floor, a mess created by the two adults who were passionately kissing like the French.

"Tommy!" Yelena giggled quietly from her position pressed against the wall, her smeared lipstick on her face only drove the man closer to madness. Thomas drowned in the woman's sweet scent, running his nose against the woman's neck as he gently placed delicate but meaningful kisses on the softness of her flesh.

          Thomas had been patient, and the higher powers above finally granted him his most selfish desires. His hands roamed greedily Yelena's body, tracing her delicate spine with one hand and the other squeezing her brassiere clad breast, eliciting the most mouthwatering moan from the purest of angels fallen from the heavens.

"Shh," He hushed, a smirk on his plump lips, his gaze meeting the woman's soft yet needy chocolate eyes. "We need to be quiet, or else the nuns will hear us."

"Tommy." Yelena bit her swollen lips as her eyes drifted from her discarded uniform on the ground to the man before her. Her stomach filled with butterflies emerging from their cocoons as his touch lit her skin on fire. "I couldn't care less if the nuns, or even God heard us right now."

          Thomas's heart skipped a beat, as his body acted on its own accord; his hands slid from their previous position to the woman's waist, then to her lace covered backside where he squeezed briefly before dropping to her thighs, lifting the woman from the ground. As their lips greedily met once more, Yelena instinctively wrapped her legs around her lover's body as he carried her and placed her on the nearby metal counter. The cool surface against her prompted goosebumps to etch themselves into her skin and a shiver to slowly crawl up her spine. Thomas pulled away, his forehead resting against the woman's. He panted slowly as he caressed the side of the brunette's cheek, then entangling his fingers in Yelena's now unruly hair at the back of her head.

"Are you sure you want this?" Thomas whispered, his piercing blue eyes intently meeting the nurse's dilated pupils. He knew she was a virgin, and he wanted to be absolutely sure she wanted this as much as he did. He craved her so badly yet didn't want to take the innocence from his angel unless she was certain of it. She bit her bottom lip as she eagerly nodded. "Use your words, love. Say it."

heaven's in your eyes - Thomas ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now