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Hinata POV

"Stop it Rimuru!" Said two woman voices that I knew very well one is Luminous Valentine the one I serve and the other is the Voice of my Teacher Shizue Izawa.

In the same moment I felt pain on my neck as I closed my eyes. 'I can still feel .. Am I not dead or is this the few last seconds after your head is behaded?' I thought but a voice took me out of my thoughts

"What are you doing here Luminous ..."Rimuru asked with his normal cold voice and I opened my eyes.

His sword was still next to my neck and it cutted slightly .. I felt the pain at my neck and the warm blood dropping on my skin before Luminous could say anything tears started fall down on my legs.

"Please ! sob Please don't kill me !" I begged I hoped he would spare me but he ignored my words.

"Let her go Rimuru .. she payed for what she had done" Luminous said not in her usal uninterested voice but a more warm smooth voice .. even I was suprised.

'She want to save me ! Thank you Luminous' I thought and I got a spark of hope but he didn't moved his sword and I was to scared to move away my head... needless to say that I still cried.

"I don't know who that is Rimuru but she is right .. let her live so that she can carry on her sins. Give her a chance she was one of my students" Shizue said

I looked up "S-Shizue sensei" but even she was too focused on Rimuru to answer me.

Luminous POV

As I reached Rimuru and Hinata I saw her kneeling she lost even an arm but that wasn't important at the moment she would loose her head if I come even a second to late.

I shouted "Stop it Rimuru" hoping he would stop his sword .. I was suprised that someone else said it in the same time.

But I ignored her and I tried to convince Rimuru after Hinata begged to live .. I haven't seen her like this. Not a single time when she was trained or lost someone.

After that the other girl tried to stop rimuru too and Hinata reacted with Shizue-sensei 'So she is that Teacher she talked about a lot ..'

Then Rimuru looked into my diretion and I felt that he was focused ont the black rose that I pinned into my hair. Well I couldn't tell if it is right because of this damned mask he always is wearing.

"Fine , for now this shall be her punishment after all no one besides me is able to heal her arm" Rimuru said and took away his sword in that moment she collapsed.

"I have still something to do" He said and walked away.

That person called Shizue looked at me and I looked at her "Who are you?" We both asked at the same time.

I then summoned Roy here so that he can take Hinata with him back to the Church.

"I am Shizue Hinata's teacher. Rimuru saved me and gave me a chance" Shizue answered first to the Question

"I am Demon Lord Valentine , well anyways I will look after Rimuru now so bye bye" I waved and walked to the same direction Rimuru went.

But then suddenly I felt a hand holding my arm. I was suprised that she could move that fast.. well I too let my guard down

"There is no need for you too look after him afterall he has me. You Demon Lords will surely be bussy right?" she said with an smile

"Heee? do you want to take my Rimuru away?" I asked a bit angered

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