Unite the Great Jura Forest Part 2

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Momiji POV

"So that's what going on huh?" My mother said looking at me and I just nodded. 

I still hate everything what has to do with that old gramps as I mentioned before the only thing he had done for me is to give me a hot looking fiance. 

"You should justsubmit Momiji , don't let our honor be the reason that our whole clan dies" Kaede added 


"No but's my Daughter , you felt it too right ? The Aura of Veldora the Storm dragon , Velzard the Ice Dragon and someone other" she said

"I know but we shouldn't just .."

"Momiji True Dragons are the strongest of this World , don't dream about defeating one not to even think about two" 

I sighed "And so we need to be slaves or what ?" I said angered 

Kaede coughed a few times "Momiji my Daughter don't be so negative about it .. you don't know how we will live in the future. Maybe we can even live better then now"

"I'll think about it" I said as I left the house and then saw my fiance and my sister in law arriving. 

'they look different' I thought 'but .. kinda better .. no no no you can't think about that now Momiji calm down' 

"Welcome my Fiance" I said and basicily every Tengu had his jaw drop in suprise 

"Hoo that's a nicer greeting then I thought Momiji you changed. My name is Benimura and this is Shuna"

"Nice to meet you sister in law" Shuna said smiling 

"So why are you here , I guess not to meet me your fiancee after all it's your first time here after such a long time" I said looking at them 

"Straight to the Point like always hm Momiji .. well then I suggest that you'll declare yourself as Subbordinates of Rimuru-sama and all territoriall rights go to him" Benimaru said 

On that the Tengus reacted harshly saying who the fuck they think they are and so on I needed to calm then down and looked at Benimaru 

"Don't mak me draw my Katana Momiji" Benimaru said and Shuna was still silently staying besides him

'They have no fear .. they are evolved I can see that .. but to what excent ..' I thought

"We are Tengu's the Mountain God's and we lived without bondaries until now .. why should we be subordinates of someone that we doesn't even now" I said

"Let me make you a proposal .. if you become subordinates of Rimuru-sama he will heal Keade and he will let you decide to live in Tempest or in this rundown VIllage you have. You'll also be trained if you want" Benimaru said

"Healing my Mother is that even possible ? Don't say so silly stuff if you can't even do it. I warn you don't overstep the line" 

Benimaru then released his Aura which caused me to suffocate 'What the heck .. he is this strong ? He is one another level' 

"Ara Onii-san you shouldn't be this hotheadded" Shuna said still standing and in normal state of health

'So she too is such a monster huh..' I thought and Benimaru then stopped 

"Well Shuna I think my Fiancee don't know enough on me or even looked down on me slightly" Benimaru said 

I looked at them and then at my Tengu's "Alright I'll meet this Rimuru-sama and then I'll decide after he healed my Mother" I said 

Flamaire POV

(Someone commented that her name is Flamaire and not Flamea so I will change that)

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