Hinata's Future

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Rimuru POV

I walked back to Tempest Shizue walked next to me and Testarossa followed silently

"Rimuru you know those children.." Shizue said 

"You want to save them ?" I asked 

"Yes" she answered simply and I nodded 

"Do you want to come with .."

"No" I denied before she could finish her sentence 'Would I go now .. and meet this son of a bitch I would annhiliate complete Ingrassia and that would be to easy .. he needs to suffer more!' I thought 

"I see.." Shizue said sad 

"I am sorry Shizue-san but I have other things to do but .." I turned around "Testarossa" 

"Yes my Lord?" She asked and bowed her head 

"You will accompany Shizue. You will guard her" I said and then continued through thought Communication 'You are good with Control Magic right ?' 

'Yes Master my Death Magic has such a skill' She said 

'There will be someone called Yuuki who will try manipulate both of you , make sure that does not happen' 

'Yes my Lord' 

"I shall accompany you on your trip my Lady" Testarossa said 

Shizue blushed slightly "Eh .. He yeah thank you Testarossa" she said and after that we reached Tempest where my Subordinates waited for me.

All of them kneeled as they saw me approaching. 

"My Lord we killed thoose who dared to set foot into this Forest!" They all said at the same time

"Very well but remember that even when Humans are a greedy , filthy and rotten race some of them are normal. Those who want to live here shall live here .Those who are greedy and attack us shall die. Those who break our rules shall be imprisoned!" I said even when I don't like humans I should not kill all of them and become like them.

"Hai Rimuru-sama!!" They all cheered and afterwards followed a great feast. I sat on the balcony of my castle looking down on the streets and my subordinates as they celebrate happy. 

"Uncle" I heared milim calling me as she opened the door to the balcony.

"Testarossa make us a Tea" I said and she nodded , milim sat down on the chair next to me while Veldora was chilling n the couch inside reading some sacred books. 

"Do you want something from me milim ?" I asked while my eyes still where focused on the streets

'I wished you could see this ciel .. after all you made this happen , last time .. this time .. everything only because you always helped me as Great sage , Raphael and Ciel' I thought 

"I .. I've always thought I would be the only one with a huge lost .. I was scared , angry , tired , sad .. I've tried to push those feelings aside with a playful way to aproach life but this just makes me more tired. Then I met you my uncle .. I just wanted to thank you and when you.."

"Let's not talk about this milim" I said knowing she refered to the shattered soul inside me 

Milim stopped and after a few seconds she smiled and said "Thank you"  

After that Testarossa came and served us Tea .. Really her Tea is the best it always calmes me down a little what seems to be not possible under normal circumstances. 

"We True Dragons are a Family even when I was born under special conditions but your Aunt's accepted me after a few months .. so it's natural that I help my niece" 

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