Zeroshima // A, F, Con

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Note: The following consists of child abandonment and child abuse. If you dislike the shown content then please withdraw your (knightmare) attention at once.

Wednesday, 9:32 PM

Raindrops and hard snowflakes fell from the sky, the weather was heavy and people were celebrating their Christmas eve inside. A car drives through a high-way in the last minute only to stop in the middle of the track. There opens the car door and a black lump was thrown out onto the cold streets of Tokyo, Japan. The car swerved off into the fading distance leaving the black lump behind. 

Suddenly, the sounds and whimpers of a crying child could be heard, yet, no one was there to hear it. The sounds were coming from the lump as it started moving. In the distance revealed a tall, mysterious and dark-clothed creature. I believe its name...or rather, his name was Zero. 

Zero rushes to the whimpering lump and kneeled down. He holds it in his warm hands and removes a part of the cloth that was surrounding the lump. Zero sees a child with brown-caramel hair and closed eyes, perhaps a new born of 2 weeks. He looks around for 3 minutes trying to find a possible suspect of the child's parent but was only met with a heavy sigh of defeat. He rushes to a nearby shelter while holding the child in his left hand under his cape. He pulls out his phone and contacts someone with a name of Ohgi Kaname and addresses his need of transport. 

They return to the deck of the Black Knight's Ikaruga ship, Zero resisting on Captain Kouzuki's help of holding the "lump". Zero orders the soldiers around while rushing to his office and locking the door. He is trembling with fear and confusion, he doesn't know what to do, he doesn't even know how to raise a kid.

Zero's POV:

"What am I supposed to do with you?" He says, putting his palm on top of his mask removing it. "This is great, just GREAT! I, former Suzaku Kururugi just decided to bring home this new born baby from the streets into my life...just great"

Suzaku Kururugi, the former Knight of Zero who was believed dead, and was an enemy of the world turned out to be THE Zero himself. After the Great War, Zero was believed dead and his knights could no longer fight due to a dictator, the treacherous emperor Lelouch vi Britannia defeating them all. Until Zero showed up and killed him with the emperor's own sword, leading the world into peace.

Suzaku snaps out of his zone and starts planning on what to do. " I can't..What about- no that wouldn't work either. Damn, I'll just have Tohdoh help me with this, or maybe Ohgi, he has a kid too." He says out loud not focusing his attention to the door that wasn't sound proof.

"Zero? Are you in there?" Just when Suzaku had decided, the man he needed came knocking on his door. "Ah is that you Tohdoh?" Suzaku opens the door and rushes Tohdoh inside.

10:14 PM

"So you're meaning to tell me-" "General Tohdoh, this is an order, please help me raise it." After Zero had explained everything, he had only left Kyoshiro dumbfounded. 

"Wouldn't it be better to give the kid to an orphanage..or maybe searching for the parents?" Zero argues why they shouldn't, his reasonings are quite valid but they aren't the real reasons why Suzaku won't search for the parents. 

Once I'm dead, I need someone to become the new Zero. My heir.

"Fine, keep it. But, I don't want to be called its father alright?" Zero nods as a sign of agreement. "Now, what will you name it?" Zero is caught off guard. A name? Well, it has to be something related to me if I want it to be my heir. Suzaku zones out trying to think of a simple yet justice related name, leaving Kyoshiro waiting patiently. And then it hit him.

"...Zeroshima" Tohdoh was surprised but his expression became gentle and calm. You could tell he was proud of the unique name. "Why Zeroshima? From the name Zero and the word island?" Zero's beliefs of this newly worded name is strong. He proceeds to say "Zero, from me. I want this child to replace me one day. Shima because kids like them turn into isolated beings, like isolated islands but I will name it Zeroshima because there are zero islands that will be unique like the kid."

He's thought it through. Tohdoh silently says. "Well then, that's settles it. I'll be off to the Reincounter meeting now." says Tohdoh, sitting up from his chair, proceeding to head out the door. Zero thanks him once again and the door is shut.

Zero, holding Zeroshima says "Welcome Zeroshima, I'll be your father from now on." Zero walks to his bed as baby Zeroshima opens their eyes and reveal a beautiful purple-like-violet set of colored eyes. Suzaku removes his mask again and slides into the bed with Zeroshima and the two fall asleep. But, Zeroshima's left eye opened revealing a light pink glow and everything went dark.


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