Black Goo or Blood? // A, BxB, MPreg

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Note: The following consists of rape mention, gay relations, male pregnancy, anxiety and miscarriage. If you dislike the shown content then please withdraw your (knightmare) attention at once.

"Presenting, Knight of Honor, Suzaku Kururugi!"
An imperial soldier guard had announced. The place takes in a few months after the Black Rebellion that was led by Zero. As a reward for capturing Zero, Suzaku Kururugi is promoted as one of the Knights of the Round. The strongest and most well known force in the entire Realm.

The ceremony hall where people have gather was filled with noblemen, a majority with disgusted faces. An eleven?! What is his Majesty thinking?! A lot of Britannians have had these thoughts in ever since they heard of the news.

The large doors open as a bright light enhanced Suzaku's introduction. He walks steadily and strongly on the red carpet. Slow but filled with honor are what you could say, had filled his movement.
He arrives at the front, bowing down towards the 98th Emperor of Britannia, Charles zi Britannia.

4 Months Later, Britannian Capital, Imperial Palace

Suzaku's P.O.V.:

I am in a virtual conversation with Rolo Lamperouge at the moment, he reports that there still have been no changes in Lelouch's attitude even until now. "Alright, make sure you check his every move. Report immediately once he starts acting out." I say to Rolo, I straighten my posture and fix my chest as he replies "Very well, understood sir."

As the screen goes blank, I can't help but feel that something is going wrong. I know that this new Lelouch isn't the same criminal Zero from once before, yet why do I feel so-
I was about to finish my thought when I saw the black reflection on the screen. I saw a black hand reaching out for my shoulder, the black figure whispering something into my ear. When I stared at it, I saw Lelouch trying to activate his Geass.

With a shiver down to my spine, I went to dodge his "attack" but was instead met with the Emperor's eyes of calm-confusion. We both froze but he was first to break the silence, "You're a bit tense today." I apologized immediately and questioned "Sire, are you here to discuss with me the battle for the EU?" His majesty only grabs my hand and leads me outside the room and into the hallway. He stays quiet but something registers into my mind

"Kururugi, don't play dumb with me. Bradley told me everything" Now I'm even more confused, Ugh, what did Bradley do this time? That sick bastard. I didn't know what the Emperor was talking about so I question only for him to cut me off.

He stops at his tracks and turns around to face me.
"How long were you going to hide the child from me?"

Now I've really frozen up.

Bradley how could you?
Was that why-

I couldn't think straight, his majesty knows now. I didn't know what to do. As I kept thinking about what to say, every single negative thought flood my mind. His majesty is going to execute me, his images are going to burn into ashes, my friends are going to leave me for this, how will I be able to do my work if I get sent to jail?
The last thing that I could remember was that someone was carrying me and I blacked out.

The next few days passed and every single night I would get nightmares of what happened. His majesty tying me up and shutting my mouth closed everytime I try to scream. Me trying to cover up the lip bruises but to no avail. When I woke up during the fright, I'd always get shortness of breath as if I was running out of oxygen. Me and his majesty have not talked since then and I'd rather not talk to him. Until he made an announcement.

"All hail his Majesty! All hail Brittania!" Shouted the crowd. The emperor walks to the front and stares into the cameras. Me and other Knights of the round were in a different room, watching everything on the T.V. screen. "It has been long since I've had another wife, yet none of the current women that were given to me have satisfied me anymore. So now I shall take this on you. The next month, March the 20th, I shall be adding another consort to the court."

I was surprised at what his majesty had said, but as shocked as what he had said next. "Thy consort shall be my Knight of Seven, Kururugi Suzaku." The crowd was in disbelief, in anger, in disgust, in strong confusion and every possible feeling any Britannian would have at this moment. "Your Majesty! What do you mean?!" A Nobleman had decided to directly ask, instead of spreading rumours and talk such dust. Charles then answered "We are Britannians, we look down on the weak, we turn them to our slaves. Such as my actions now. I'll take Area 11's precious Kururugi heir and make him my own live stock!"

At this point, I ran away from the group and went outside to avoid getting chased by Gino, who seems to want to comfort me. Your majesty, what the hell!? Why would you say that!? On live television, turn ME into YOUR slave?! I didn't want to show up for the rest of the week so I had no choice but to beg Ms. Cécile to hide me.

1 month later

Will all the stress that had been focused on me, I couldn't sleep for days, I didn't eat much. Maybe that was why the wedding had to be put on pause. On March 15th I started to bleed inside my pants. I felt excruciating pain and was yelling for someone to help me. Eventually I was treated in the Imperial Clinic but...
"I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor had said.

Third(3rd) Person's P.O.V.:

As the doctor left the medical room, Suzaku bursts into tears while only Cécile and Lloyd are left behind with him. "Oh Suzaku..oh my I'm so sorry-" Cécile was cut off by Lloyd. "Suzaku was this because of you not eating right?" Lloyd quickly goes quiet after Cécile smacks him. Suzaku on the other end, acts as if he's not THAT sad, but while maybe he isn't making any sounds, his tears are flowing endlessly. "It..must (h)a-ave been that.." Cécile and Lloyd felt heartbroken.

The Emperor immediately hears about this and rushes to the medical room where the three are at. Just as he is about to storm inside, he sees Suzaku's reflection at the end of the hallway. Charles is concerned and confused at the same time as the soldier told him Suzaku got a miscarriage, in the reflection, Suzaku is holding a baby while standing up straight. And it's not even 9 months yet.

Charles walks to Suzaku's reflection but suddenly the reflection and Charles disappeared.

Back with Suzaku and the other two, Lloyd was the first to notice. Suzaku's eyes became black with red glowing outlines. And immediately, Suzaku cried black goo and the security camera glitches and stops working.

March 15, 2022, Y/L(Your Location)

Y/N's P.O.V.:

After I read this chapter, it's scary but also confusing at the same time. What happe-


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