Café Zero 2 // AU, F, Con, C

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"I made a promise to a witch, I raised a rebellion, I declared war with my homeland and with the whole world, I gave up my pride and my friends, I killed my own parents, I abandoned my sister and chained her up, I gave up my life and had my best friend stab me to death in order for the world to gain peace and THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!"

Lelouch vi Britannia yelled with confusion and a bit of frustration. He, the former 99th emperor of the great empire of Britannia was forced inside a famous café in the once known Area 11, now, Japan.

A year ago, this man was believed dead until certain findings and video tapes were released of a conversation between Lelouch and his Knight, Suzaku Kururugi.
"Suzaku, you have to kill me. You must promise."  Those words struck the world like lightning, as they realize the treacherous emperor's death was a stage program and they were were the audience. Soon people discovered an immortal witch with green hair who claimed to have resurrected Lelouch-

"Well, this was Tamaki's idea y'know" Kallen Kouzuki, the captain of the Zero Squad inside the Black Knight military force said with a bored face. "I never thought Tamaki would have such a flare for business" Emperor Lelouch turned to Tohdoh who was looking at the café sign with a smirk. The people present there were the core members of the Black Knights and a few officials and soldiers from the Britannian empire. Those included 3rd princess Cornelia, 2nd prince Schneizel, General Guildford, Earl Kanon, Earl Llyod, Military Officer Cecile, Highest ranking general Jeremiah and the 100th Empress of Britannia, Nunnally vi Britannia. 

Lelouch walked towards a free table and sat down on it with his arms crossed. "Everything is on me, present to me everything this café has." The others cheered and Sugiyama, one of the staff working there after resigning from the Black Knights ordered the other staff workers to get on their feet. "Alright! You guys heard him, let's go!" 

7 Minutes Later 

"HEEEY GUYS, THE PARTY HAS JUST ARRIVEEED!!" Looks like new guests have arrived, considerably, very familiar faces. Milly Ashford, Rivalz Cardemonde, Nina Einstein, Gino Weinberg and Anya Alstreim. "Hello, there." Anya says while holding up her camera-phone. Nunnally turns her wheelchair to face them with a smile on her face. "I'm so glad you all could make it! Big brother look" Says Nunnally pointing Lelouch into the student council's direction. "Guys! I'm so glad you were able to make i-" Before Lelouch could finish, Gino immensely pounced on him "Lelouch old man! Y'know it was very rude of you to not tell me about you being royalty, riiiight?" said Gino while clinging onto Lelouch for dear life. Guildford couldn't help himself buy say "Yes he is royalty and it seems your getting too informal with his highness." "You mean you're*, Guilford." Gino corrected, making Guildford go into wonder as though how he figured he forgot to use an apostrophe. While others just laughed.

"Anyway, you guys come join us. We can't eat all of this on our own." Suzaku, wearing the Zero suit and carrying the cape and mask in his left hand said. Everyone gathered onto a large family table and claimed their seats. Some standing up. Schneizel smiles softly, making a toast "It is such a miracle that we're able to gather like this. I toast this to all of us and to the whole world, a big thank you celebration from us to you both" Schneizel raises his glass filled with wine and points it to Lelouch and Suzaku as they sit close together. "It is our pleasure" the two both said in unison. 

With this, all of them had dined with cheerful and joyful smiles on their faces. Cornelia was talking with Guildford, Villetta was munching down on a piece of bread and coffee flavored candies while Ohgi was carrying their baby, Kallen was cheering with Gino, Rivalz and Milly were encouraging Nina to sing on the karaoke,  Anya is with Jeremiah and Tamaki, Kanon is discussing something with Schniezel, Lloyd and Cecil, Xingke is enjoying his ramen with Tohdoh, Nunnally is eating biscuits with Empress Tianzi and Chairwoman Kaguya. 

Everyone else were enjoying their time all together, but no one knew where Lelouch and Suzaku went. C.C. who was eating pizza as always went to look for them.

She went through the crowd of people and climb up the stairs leading to the roof of the building. There she saw the two talking but as she shifted herself, she overheard:


To be Continued

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