v. dionysus

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( 🧊🪱💭 ) GREEK GOD!


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March 22st, 2021


Rhea lifts her eyebrow at the diabolical— no, insane— plan her little sister just rambled on about. With every sentence Maevis let out, Rhea drew more concerned by the minute; Rhea also felt bad for dragging along Isa and Kyrah on her little sister's revenge mission.

"We go in there together, and I confront them. Maybe they're kissing or dancing, I don't know, don't care" — partly a lie, she did care — "Then, in front of the whole club, I dump him like, I don't know, Janine from He's Just Not That Into You style."

"Wait," Kyrah opposes. "Doesn't she break up with him by leaving a note on top of that box of cigarettes?"

"Well... yeah, but she still breaks up with him, and that's the point. I'm gonna break up with that no-shot-having Australian son of a bitch tonight and he's gonna regret it so badly when I fuck his favourite player," Maevis grimances, gripping the steering wheel a little harder. She imagines his sheer humiliation and that instant hit of regret once she tells him it's over.

"Okay, okay. And when you're done causing a scene, where are you gonna go home to? You can't go home to Ben anymore, because he's cheating on you, but you also can't go to Lydia, because she's the one Ben cheated on you with. So, where you gonna go Maevie?" Rhea quizzes.

"Hmm, I haven't really thought about that," Maevis hums. "I'll probably go to a hotel or something until I can find a place. I've been kinda wanting to move anyway."

"Why don't you stay with us? We've got a spare mattress and we can turn the study we never use into a bedroom," Kyrah suggests.

"Yeah, emphasis on the never use part," Isa remarks. Unlike Rhea's obvious scepticism and disdain for Maevis's impulsiveness, Isa was excited. She was already getting a high from just the idea of being a witness.

"Oh, no, that's alright. I have enough savings to keep me living for a while," Maevis declines the offer. Plus, she really didn't want to have to live with her sister again. She lived eighteen years with her constant at her side, and even if it was temporary, she was not looking forward to it.

"You sure? I mean, really, it's no problem."

"A hundred percent sure," Maevis nods, her eyes moving from the road to the mirror where she'd see a glimpse of Kyrah and Rhea.


"Why the hell would those two choose a club for their meet-up? The Grove is literally jam-packed everyday... that's like asking to get caught." Isa huffs under her breath, questioning the choice of Ben and Lydia.

GREEK GOD ━━ Devin BookerWhere stories live. Discover now