Chapter 1: I'm scared.

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Year 845.

Bertholdts POV:

It's all been a lie. Everything.

"I'm scared. I don't want to." I mumbled,

"We've come all this way, lost marcel, starved, and your bitching about being scared?" Annie spat at me.

"We've got a job to do." She continued,
I knew inside Annie was just as scared as I was, putting on a facade to hide her own weakness.

The walk to the wall was silent.
Only the sounds of footsteps made me feel uneasy. As the wall came into view my heart pounded.

"What's done must be done. They're devils after all."








"Do it."



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Year 847

_____________________________It's been two years since we've broken down the wall.________________
It pains me seeing how much hurt I've caused, and the grieving of lost family members.____________________
____________________________The people here are nice. They aren't all devils. There's a boy named Connie Springer, his family was killed in the attack excluding his mother.________
Another boy named Eren Jaeger. His mother was killed in the attack._____
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I can't help but feel bad for them.

"Hey Bertholdt, writing in your journal again?" A familiar voice said.
It almost made me jump.

"Y-yeah.!" I said quickly glancing up to see Reiner.
Phew, if it were anyone else and they were interested in my journal our identities would be at stake.

"It's time for dinner, come on I'm hungry."
He said yawning as he walked away.
I sighed as I stuffed my journal under the barracks, and made my way out the room.

"Yooooo Bertholdt!"

Connie greeted me as he tried to swing his arm around me.
Unfortunately for him in a whole foot taller.
"Jeez your tall Bertholdt, did you grow a few more inches since the last time I saw you?"
He said jokingly.
I saw he was also walking with Sasha and Jean.
I jumped as we all turned around to see Commander Keith walking towards us.


We all said some more delayed than others.
Sweat ran down my back as I quickly turned around and started walking the other way.
It was only our 1st week all living together like this so of course I didn't wanna get into any trouble.

Once I sat down in the mess hall Reiner was already waiting for me.
"What took you so long?"
He said in a slightly irritated tone.

"Commander Keith told us off."
I said exaggerating the story a bit.
He was about to open his mouth and talk but then people started yelling behind us.

Something along the lines of....

"You suicidal maniac...."

"Stupid blockhead.!"


"Unless you're a coward!"    


Followed by some punches to the gut.
I could hear Reiner snickering from behind me.
Turning around I saw Eren and Jean fighting.
What a bunch of scene makers.
I watched as they took turns punching eachother in the gut.
I guess Reiner really found it funny
because his snickers became full blown laughing.

"Reiner it's not funny."
I said in a low tone.
What if they actually got hurt.

"Oh relax Bertholdt it's just a good old throw down, If one of them doesn't knock the other out first I'll do it for them."
He said chuckling.

Why did I even say anything.

I turned my attention back to Eren and Jean.

Eren Said mocking him before he jammed his fist into Jeans stomach.

There's light steam coming out from Erens head.

A low voice said quickly deescalating the situation,
By kicking Eren in the balls and punching Jean where it hurts.

I grimaced.

"You've had enough celebrating now go to bed,"


"And clean that up too."
He finished.

Everyone said in unison.

As everyone headed back to the barracks I overhead a conversation going on behind me. 

" family died when the armored Titan......"

" brother..killed by the colossal..."

"....I wish them........death."

I could barely hear the conversation going on but I heard enough.
I feel horrible.

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