Chapter 2: You have too.

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Bertholdt's POV
Once I made it back to the barracks I immediately took out my journal, I share the bunks with Reiner, Eren and Jean.
I shared a bunk with Jean who slept on the top while Reiner slept kn the bottom bunk next to me with Connie on the top. Slumping down on the bottom bunk with a pen I began writing,
At 3am when all the scouts are asleep we are going to meet up with Annie. Reiner had informed me that it was important.
________whenever Reiner says that it's never good. ____________________
______________________________________i wonder if father is oka-

"Do you ever wonder if the colossal Titan and armored are among us?"
Jean blurted out.

"Dude what?"
Connie said out of the blue.

"Think about it what if they were also Titan shifters like Eren they could be hiding amongst the surgery corps?"
Jean continued.

I glanced over at Reiner who had also been looking at me, he quickly broke eye contact.

"Why would they hide with people they hate?"
Reiner asked.

Connie thought about it.
But if I were those monsters I'd totally do it."

"If I were those monsters I'd shoot myself dead."
Jean muttered.

I looked over at Reiner again but this time he was facing the wall.
I thought we were friends.
Do they really think that.
What happens when they find out.

It was quiet for the rest of the night.








I stayed awake the whole time.
Listening and observing the noises in the room to try and decide wether Connie and Jean had been sleeping yet.
It was finally confirmed once both Jean and Connie started snoring.

Reiner quickly but quietly turned over.
Once we made eye contact he mouthed something.
"Let's Go."
I nodded and carefully took my blanket off and stood up.
I turned around to see Jean facing the wall snoring.
Reiner tapped my shoulder made me jump, mouthing something again.
"Come on."
Nodding I moved towards the door always making sure I was never stepping on something.
I had my hand on the door handle just about to open it when

My breath hitched.
I slowly turned around.
My heart pounding like a drum.

My eyes darted to Jean then Connie,
But neither were awake.
I glanced at Reiner with wide eyes who seemed to also be shaken by it.
"sleep talking."
He whispered.
Thank god.
Turning around again I opened the door and quietly exited the room, holding the door for Reiner and promptly shut it when he exited.

"We meet Annie at the West well."
I nodded.
There were 4 wells in the whole island of paradise.
South Well
West Well
North Well
East Well.
It was the people's source of fresh water.









"Took you guys long enough."
Annie said scoffing as we turned the corner.
"Connie started sleep talking-"
"Did you tell Bertholdt?"
Annie interrupted .

Tell me what?
Reiner said.

"Oh wow! Why am I even suprised."
Annie scoffed
"Hear me out, I was going to but you know how it is-"
Reiner retorted trying to justify himself.

"And what? You thought he wouldn't like it and get upset?"
Annie said out loud.
"What are you guys talking about?"
What the hell are they talking about.

"You're the leader here Reiner, remember? So then act like it."
Annie finished.

Annie then turned to me.
"In 2 days at 1500 you'll let the Titans in."
My blood ran cold.
"We're attacking...? What! No way.."
I stared down in disbelief.
I don't want to.
Don't they hear what others say about us.
"Did you forget your mission Bertholdt?"
Annie stared at me with wide eyes.

"And you call yourself a warrior? Pathetic.
You don't have a choice."
She stated turning around.

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