Chapter 3: You did this.

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2 days later

Bertold's POV
I can't sleep.
Let the titans in?
What about the others?
Why do I care for these guys.
They are nothing
Nothing to me
A bunch of devils.

"It's time for breakfast, get up soldiers."
Somebody reported outside the door.

I guess I hadn't noticed the sun was rising.
Jean and Connie were still dead asleep while Reiner was getting up.
Reiner looked at me and gave me those eyes.

It's time.






We met up with Annie outside the walls. It was swarming with titans.
"You know what you have to do Bertholdt."
Annie said sternly.

I replied.
Nothing I can do about this.

I'm sorry.






Erens POV
"The walls.."
Jean said in disbelief.

"Wait what?"
Connie said

My eyes were locked on the wall.

It was.. coming down?


Somebody shouted in the distance.

Everybody frantically put their gear on i was struggling with my belt.
We don't have time!

Bertholdt's pov
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
It wasn't my choice.

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