Chapter 4: Kneel

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Len appeared inside Stuttgart Museum. She stood at the top of the stairs and glanced around at her surroundings. A server walked by holding wine and she was quick to apprehend a glass. She leaned against the wall and sipped on the beverage as she watched the door awaiting his arrival.

And then there he was.

The Asgardian Prince walked through the front door wearing a black suit with a royal green tie that matched Len's dress. A scarf was draped around his neck and a cane was grasped in his right hand, the top of which was lighting up a faint blue. His dark hair had grown longer since she last saw him. It was slicked back neatly as he had always done. She knew his mother would throw a fit if she knew it had reached this length which left Len to wonder how long he has been away from home. He looked around the room until his eyes settled on Len.

She chuckled as she watched him nearly choke on air. He glanced around for a moment more and then quickly strolled over to where Len stood. He offered his free arm to her. Without a word, she took it and placed her glass onto another server's tray as they passed. The Prince escorted her down the golden steps of the museum. Some attendees stopped and stared at the two. They looked perfectly in place together. Power and beauty radiated off both persons.

The small orchestral group to the side began to play a waltz.

"Would you care to dance, my Princess?"

A genuine smile broke out across her face. "How could I refuse?"

The Prince took Len's hand and guided her to the main floor where others were pairing up to dance. The two held hands, the cane held up between both parties. Len's hand rested on his shoulder while his cold, nimble hands rested on her waist. Then the two danced.

Len couldn't help but smile as she stared into his green eyes. These eyes had been haunting her memories. She never even realized how much she had craved his touch. She took every part of his face in. His skin was still pale, and his cheekbones seemed to have become sharper with age. His nose was long, and his lips were thin and curled into a permanent smirk. As much as she wished for this moment to last forever, she was here for a reason and it pained her.

"Axlen, in the centuries that I have known you, you have never looked more beautiful, or more regal than you do now." His voice was soft and pleasant, music to Len's ears.

"I look the same, Loki."

"No." He shook his head. "You look wiser."

"I've been serving my punishment as told."

Loki frowned. "He had no right."

Len pulled her eyes away from Loki. "I failed, Loki. It is just something I am to live with."

"No. No, you didn't fail. I would have never picked anyone else for the job. If you were incapable of keeping her from turning down that path, no one could. Stop blaming yourself. Odin is a fool."

Len moved her hand to rest on the back of his neck and moved closer to Loki, her face out of his sight. "How are the others?"

Loki smirked. "You tell me."

Loki could feel Axlen laughing to herself. A smile danced on her lips as she thought of the boys that frequented themselves in her presence, not caring of the possible outcomes if they were caught. "They certainly have your silver tongue, Loki."

"Odin still treats my son as a simple steed rather than his grandson."

"Just stab him."

Loki hummed. "The thought crossed my mind."

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