Chapter 5: Loki, silence yourself

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Loki was quickly cuffed and tied down into the quinjet. Natasha took off and headed back to the helicarrier. Axlen stood near the back of the jet with Steve and Tony. Tony had taken off his helmet. He raised an eyebrow as her armor dissipated in purple light. The Asgardian dress that Loki had placed her in earlier now remained, including the crown on her head.

"I don't like it." Steve said.

Axlen smoothed out her dress with one hand and readjusted her crown in the reflection on the wall. "What's wrong with it?"

Tony gave her a 'what the hell' look before responding to Steve. "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?"

"I don't remember it ever being that easy. This guy packs a wallop." He looked at Axlen. "How'd you do it?"

Axlen sent a glare towards Loki. The Prince straightened and licked is lips nervously. Axlen looked back at Steve and Tony.

Tony laughed. "He's terrified of you."

"He should be." She went over to the seats and collapsed into the one next to Loki. She leaned her head on his shoulder causing Steve and Tony to look at each other in confusion.

"Uh, Len, gonna make up your mind anytime soon?"

"Silence, Anthony."

Tony nodded. "Yes, ma'am." He shut his mouth and gritted his teeth. He did not like anything about this situation.

Suddenly, Axlen's eyes widened as if she were remembering something. She looked at Loki. "You have horrible timing."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "Having an affair?"

Axlen pulled a dagger from her hip that she had taken from her husband and drove it through his thigh. He gasped in pain and bit his lip to stop from crying out. Steve quickly moved to pull Axlen away from him. With a simple flick of her wrist, Steve could move no further. She removed the dagger from Loki's thigh and then placed her hand on the wound. It glowed a faint purple. When she removed her hand, the wound was healed.

"You're a quim." Loki crowled.

"I'm your quim."

Loki smirked. "One of my better mistakes."

Axlen rolled her eyes. "Anthony, what's the time in New York?"

"Ten. Why?"

Axlen nodded. "We need to hurry back to the helicarrier. The jet's moving too fast for him."


Axlen spared Tony a look and then looked back at Loki. Something seemed to click in Loki's head and his lips formed an 'o'. Axlen repositioned herself with her head on his shoulder once again.

Tony and Steve looked at them for a moment before branching into a conversation about palates. Axlen and Loki ignored them.

Why did you have to teach them that infernal trick?

They wanted to see you. Do not lie and act as if you do not appreciate their presence, love. I see straight through lies.

Axlen rolled her eyes. That came with your title. I would say they would know better than to come with you missing from Asgard; but, they are your children.

They're also yours. We can pray that they have some sort of intelligence.

Your eldest does. So does Jormungandr. Nari and Fenrir can be fools, though. Nari might stay away if Odin is angry enough, but Fenrir... he knows his power.

Loyalty and Lies (A Loki Laufeyson x OFC/ Avengers Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now