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A couple of days went by, and Tanaka and Kuzuryu hadn't shown up to class in a while. Word spread around fast, considering how small their class was and how big of a mouth Souda had.

Everyone was convinced that Kuzuryu had died and that Tanaka wasn't going to come back. Sonia and Peko assured everyone that the two were alright, but Souda wasn't going to listen unless they heard it from the breeder themselves.

"Seriously, guys," the mechanic let out a sigh. "Tanaka isn't the type to miss class for more than 2 days. Why'd they skip out along with Kuzuryu? Those two aren't friends, are they?"

Sonia rolled her eyes, leaning on Peko a bit. "Souda, I'm sure that Tanaka is alright. Kuzuryu is, too."

Pekoyama nodded, patting her head.
"They are both well. We just visited them this morning, and they are without a doubt alive."

"But where they together, huh? Are they bangin' or something?"

Peko cringed at that, shaking her head.
"Are you as dull as you act? They are friends, Souda. Tanaka is visiting to make sure Fuyuhiko exits the hospital well."

The mechanic grumbled and sat back in his chair. "I don't know, something about those two is fishy..."

The princess sighed. "Souda, they're just friends."

"Come on, Miss Sonia! Won't you back me up on this?" he frowned. "I'm sure there's something more goin' on. Tanaka's been acting weird around that guy!"

"And why are you so concerned with Tanaka...?"

"Cause the bastard pisses me off, is all..!"

Peko sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"It doesn't concern you Souda. They are friends, and that is all you need to know. Now, if you'd like to stop stepping into everyone's business, I'm sure we'd all appreciate it."
"Listen, Pekoyama, I'm gonna get to the bottom of the-" Souda was cut off mid-sentence by Akane excitedly whooping.

"Hey, guys! Guess who's back from the dead! Kuzuryu and Tanaka are back!"

Peko tensed up, looking at the door which had Tanaka, Akane, and Fuyuhiko standing there.
"Young master."

The gangster gave a small wave, smiling at Peko.

Tanaka walked in behind Kuzuryu, their hands in their pockets. They stood by him almost protectively, cautious of everyone else.

Souda rushed up to them immediately, pointing an accusing finger. "Where'd you go, huh?"

The breeder looked down at Souda, raising a brow. "What?"

"You were gone way too long! Why? It's not like you were in the hospital."

Tanaka scoffed and didn't respond, taking Fuyuhiko's hand and pulling him towards Peko and Sonia.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!!"

Kuzuryu hit the mechanic on the shoulder as he got pulled away, snickering.
"Stay out of our business, Souda." He muttered, before turning towards Peko and Sonia.

Hiyoko snickered from across the room. "Got your questions answered, Souda?" she said, before continuing her conversation with Mahiru.

Sonia smiled warmly at the two, waving. "Welcome back," she greeted. "Did you get here alright?"

The breeder nodded tiredly, taking a seat on top of one of the desks. "Yes," they replied. "the trip was quite far, however. We nearly took the wrong train, as well."

Peko nodded.
"I'm glad you are safe." She said quietly, looking over at Fuyuhiko who was messing with the bandage on his left arm.

"It was a disaster. Tanaka is super grumpy in the morning." He playfully shoved them, chuckling.
Tanaka smiled a bit, rolling their eyes. "I am not," they denied. "You were the one who refused to wake up. We'd be in debt at the moment if I did not yell at this fool. They overcharge if you stay longer than the discharge time."

all we did was kiss, on my grave i swear (kuzudam) Where stories live. Discover now