oh, ana, i'll love you still. you are the angel that i couldn't kill

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Kuzuryu groaned, laying his forehead straight onto his desk. Yukizome had recently announced a project of 'learning about each other' or something along those lines. Fuyuhiko wouldn't know, he wasn't paying attention. The only thing he knew is that he was partnered with the last person he wanted to be with.

Gundham Tanaka.

He glared at the other as they approached his desk. "Out of all fuckin people," The Yakuza muttered, burying his face into his hands.

"It seems we do not have much of a choice, do we? Unless you wish to fail." Tanaka replied, ignoring the snarky remarks from the gangster.

"Tch, whatever," He crossed his arms. Fuyuhiko would usually fire back, but he decided not to. The reason was unknown.

After a long moment of silence, the Yakuza had torn the corner of a piece of paper, jotting his phone number down.

"Be at my house by 5. You better not think we're friends or some stupid shit because of this, this is only so I don't fail." Fuyuhiko gathered his things, swiftly leaving as the bell rang.


Fuyuhiko didn't expect them to be there on time, let alone 10 minutes early. Of course, he hadn't prepared, he looked a mess. His blazer was thrown somewhere on his room floor, and his tie was untied, hanging around his neck.

Either way, he had no choice but to open the door for his guest.

"Good. You're early." He crossed his arms, opening the door further to allow the breeder to walk in.

"You underestimate my ability to arrive when summoned?" Tanaka removed their shoes, awkwardly stepping in.

"No fuck. Now, what's this project even about?" Fuyuhiko led them to his room, closing the door behind him and sitting criss-cross on the floor.

"As expected of a low-life such as yourself, you were not attentive during our period of instruction...Our mentor commanded us to acquire knowledge of our companion's general nature. Or, in layman's terms - 'fun facts,'" Tanaka crossed their arms, stiffly standing by the door.

"Fuck. Just say- my favorite color is orange, I hate sweets, and I," He ran his fingers through his short hair, thinking of something random, "I'm an only child."

Tanaka scoffed. "Are any of those words veracious?"

Fuyuhiko smirked. "Nah, they were all lies, but Yukizome doesn't have to know that."

Gundham tapped their foot to the floor, sighing. "So, you dislike the color orange, you are fond of sweets, and you have at least one other sibling. Correct?"

The Yakuza clenched his teeth. "The fuck? Just use the fake ones, dumbass. You're even more stupid then I thought if you think I'm gonna tell you my whole life story for some fuckin project."

The breeder sat in silence. "You insist on no one knowing anything of you or getting close to you. Why is that?"

Fuyuhiko glared daggers at them. "Why the fuck do you care?! You think we're friends now because of some silly fucking project?"

"I am of no need for affiliation with humans... I am just curious as to why you isolate yourself from everyone. My inquiries have nothing to do with the project."

"Why?! So you can fucking screw me over? Sabotage me? You're not fuckin slick, I see right through your shitty plan."

Tanaka froze, before nodding. "I see,"

"You don't see anything. And you never fucking will. We'll never be friends. You're lucky I haven't kicked you out of my house yet, bastard." He hissed through his teeth.

all we did was kiss, on my grave i swear (kuzudam) Where stories live. Discover now