40s and blunts

16 1 0

The next morning, Fuyuhiko didn't go to school. He obviously couldn't, or he'd be showered in questions asking why he was beaten up.
And, Gundam would see. That's the last thing he wanted.
Even though staying home would get him into trouble again, it was better than everyone knowing. Though, he still woke up a bit early to Gundhams good morning text.

Tanaka woke up early for school, sending out a text to Kuzuryu as he walked.

good morning, fearsome one. will you be attending our lecture today?

hey. and, no. I got busy with the clan and stuff.

I see, will you be free afterward?



alright. I'll see you sometime soon.


, and you're sure you're okay? you sound a bit off.

sorry. I guess I'm a little distracted. and tired. I'm good, though.

would you mind if I came over? even just for a bit, as you did for me.

you can't. I'm busy.
Fuyuhiko began to panic, sitting up.

I could help you with whatever you're working on

it'll be fine. I've got it under control.

doesn't sound like it,

I said no.
have a good day at school.

very well. I love you, please stay safe.


Tanaka decided that they'd check up on him later, after school. They put their phone back in their pocket and walked into the school building, going along with their day.
The breeder left early so that they'd have enough time to catch a train to the market. They bought a couple of snacks and candies for Kuzuryu, in hopes of cheering him up. They put the assortment into a small bag and tied it closed with a ribbon, making it all nice and pretty. They hoped he'd like it.

A few minutes later they stood in front of his door.

let me in

Fuyuhiko tensed up, looking outside. His heart dropped.

What the hell are you doing here?

I have something for u

I'll have peko pick it up tomorrow. I can't come outside.


Fuyuhiko mumbled profanity, staring at the screen for a while.

I'm busy.

you're lying, I'll just climb through your window then.

Fuyuhiko sighed, before making his way to the door. Thankfully his parents were at work.
Kuzuryu barely cracked the door, only showing his shoulder and hand that was reached out.

"Hello, Fuyuhiko." they greeted softly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Just give me whatever you brought and go home." Fuyuhiko reached his hand out more, not daring to show his face.

Tanaka stood there for a moment. They tilted their head a bit, then frowned. "Why aren't you showing me your face?" they questioned.

"Give me the gift and go home. Or just go home and I'll have Peko pick it up."

"Show me."

Kuzuryu scoffed, pulling his arm back inside.
"Go home. I'll see you some time at school."

all we did was kiss, on my grave i swear (kuzudam) Where stories live. Discover now