Ch. 8: Alan's Birthday Wish

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The next day, Alan took a trip to his grandfather's grave on his birthday and placed a flower beside the tombstone.

Alan: Grandpa. I wish you were here with me and my family on my birthday. You were just about to turn 60 when you died.

He looked at the tombstone and sighed.

Alan: I hate to say this, but... there was somebody I had wanted you to meet before your passing. She's... well... she's sort of an acquaintance. If you were alive, you probably won't believe me, but... she's an animal... an anthropomorphic one. My life has been completely different now that she's with me. The MIA forbade me to tell anyone about their existence... but they didn't mention the deceased. Her name is Sara... Sara Cole. I wish you here right now. I just want you to know that me and my family miss you... so much.

After the trip, Alan returned home and opened the door. Unexpecting for him, Sara was infront of the door, turning around to look at him wearing a dress. Alan's eyes were widen on her dress and back to her.

Sara: Happy birthday, Alan. I was expecting you to return home.

She walked towards Alan and touched his cheek.

Sara: Why don't you close that damn door... and spend your time with us? We baked you a cake.

Sara grabbed his hand and takes him to the table.

Alan: Us? We?

Sara turned on the lights. His family, mother and father, brother and sister, are seen wearing party hats.

Alan: But... how did this happen? Who told you guys about her and the others?

Chief Blackwolf: That would be me.

Alan looked into the kitchen and sees the chief crossing his arms. He went over to the table and gave him his paycheck.

Alan: Sir... what are you-?

Chief Blackwolf: Doing here? I told your family that you have a job. Look, I may be the Big Bad Wolf in your view, but I am someone who cares more about my employees than I care about their work. I have been told that your parents have adopted a daughter. You know, I think you'll like her.

Braden: Happy birthday, Al.

Alan's father: Alan, meet... Sierra.

Alan looked over at Sierra, who is noticeably nervous

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Alan looked over at Sierra, who is noticeably nervous. She has the same hairstyle as Sara's, only a different color. She walked over to him.

Sierra: H-Hi, Alan. I'm Sierra, your newly adopted sister. I've been wanting to meet you since your parents adopted me. A-Anyway... here's your present.

She gives Alan a portrait-sized present. He opens the present and looked at the painting.

Sierra: Do you like it?

Alan: Hm... I love it. The grassfields are so well detailed.

Alan's father: Don't thank her. Thank me.

His father smiled and pats her on the shoulder.

Some time later, they sang Happy Birthday to Alan and wait for him to blow out the candles.

Sara: Alright, birthday boy. Make a wish. It can be anything you want in the whole world.

Alan looked at the small, stable flames on the candles before closing his eyes.

Alan's POV: I wish there would be a world where humans and furries work together to save the world economically and environmentally.

Alan blows out the candles and gets an applause from his family and friends.

After the birthday party finished, they went back to their homes. Alan looks at Sara and walked towards her.

Alan: You look beautiful in that dress.

Sara slightly looked away and smiled.

Sara: Thanks, Alan.

Alan grabbed her hands and danced together in the living room. They hug each other before looking each other in the eyes.

Sara's POV: He's so handsome. It's my first time dancing with him. Ever since I lived in the same household with him, he's taught me little about society, science, financing, and culture. It was pretty crazy. Overtime, I felt the need to learn more...

Sara: What did you wish for, Al?

Alan: I wished for... a better world... where humans and furries work together.

Sara touched his cheek and smiled.

Sara: I know.

Sara takes Alan to the couch and sat down with him.

Alan: Sara. I want to thank you for giving me the best birthday experience I ever had.

He touches her hand and looked into her eyes.

Sara: Alan, don't say that. It was to make you happy.

Alan: Sara... I...

Sara: Yes?

Alan: I-I don't know what to say... I had no words looking at you in that dress...

Sara smiled, stood up and twirled.

Sara: It was the perfect size.

She sat back down beside Alan.

Sara: I know what you really wanted to say to me...

Alan: You think so...?

Sara: Mhm. You know what? As a matter of fact...

She wraps her arms around his neck.

Sara: ... I love you too.

Alan began to slowly smile and puts his hands on her back. The two leaned in and kiss. They broke up the kiss and look at the TV.

Sara: What do you want to watch, Al?

Alan: Hm...

He grabs the remote and turns on the TV.

Alan: How about... um... The Lion King?

Sara: Sure. Don't start the movie yet, I have to change out of this dress.

She gets up and walks upstairs to her room to change.

Alan: Okay.

As soon as she went back to the living room, she was wearing a white crop top and shorts. She sat beside Alan and pats his head.

Sara: You can play the movie now.

Alan: Okay.

Alan turns on The Lion King and smiled. About halfway through the movie, he lays his head on Sara's lap and closed his eyes. Sara looked down at him, giggling.

Sara: Aww, does my fur make you feel warm?

She strokes his hair softly.

Sara: You sleepyhead.

She runs her hand down to his cheek while watching the movie. Eventually, she laid back on the couch and fell asleep.

4 hours later

Alan wakes up and sees Sara sleeping. He slowly sits up, touching her chin.

Alan: I'll be going shopping today, Sara. Don't worry, I'll be back when I buy you some new clothes.

He went upstairs to his room and changes into his casual clothing. He went back downstairs to go out the front door.

Wild Life (Human Boy X Anthro Girl) 18+Where stories live. Discover now