The First Encounter

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Ezra's POV

"Man, she is a hottie!" I said to myself, blushing as I thought of her beautiful, (color) eyes. "I need to ask her out! But I can't be spotted by Kanan or I'll be dead."
I ran out of my room, and I ran around the Ghost, trying to find the mysterious, beautiful girl.
"What are you doing?" Kanan asked me as I ran past his room.
"I'm looking for that girl," I said to him, smiling.
"You mean (y/n)?"
"Is she the one with pretty, (color) eyes and (color) hair?"
"Maybe?" he said, looking at me with a confused look. "Why do you wanna know?"
"No reason. Just want to greet her myself," I said to him, smiling at him nervously.
He looked at me with a confused look and sighed.
"Her quarters are next to Sabine's," he said to me, and I ran off to her quarters and knocked twice.
"Who is it?" she said to me, and she looks at her door.
"I'm the teen from before," I said to her, and she smiled and kept on unpacking her stuff.
"Oh," she said with ecstasy. "You can come in."
I walk in, seeing her butt facing me, and I closed the door and secretly locked it.
"So, let me introduce myself," I said, turning her around to face me, and she walked into the wall, letting me corner her. "The name's Bridger, Ezra Bridger."
I leaned in closer to her, about to kiss her, and I held her hands to the wall, making her stand still. Then, I started kissing her, blushing as I did, and I let go of her hands and started putting my hands up her shirt. She tried to pull away but couldn't, and so she put her arms around my shoulders and embraced me.
'Man, this guy must have love at first sight problems,' she thought to herself as the teen started caressing her breasts. 'I guess Kanan was right. They'll make sure I don't get hurt, but they sure don't make sure I'm not being kissed by a Padawan pervert!'
The teen pulled away and let her go.
"I'm sorry," he said, looking down and blushing. "I didn't mean to kiss you and rub your chest."
She walked to me and kissed my cheek.
"Don't worry about it," she said, winking at me. "Now, you better go train before Kanan suspects something is up."
I ran out and sprinted to Kanan, who was outside, waiting for me.
"You're late," my master said to me, and I rubbed the back of my head with my hand.
"Sorry, master," I said, anf I stood next to him.
"It's fine," he said and shone his lightsaber in front of Ezra's face. "Now, let's start."

An hour after Jedi training with Kanan...

"Hey, babe," I said, looking at her with wanting eyes. "Want to do what we did earlier again?"
She looked at me and blushed. I grabbed her arm and dragged her to my room, locking the door.
"Get ready," I said, and I walked closer to her, taking off my shirt and showing my 4-pack to her. "Because the fun's about to start."
I pulled her shirt off, making her shirtless, and I stared at her chest, blushing as I stared at her breasts. Then, I started kissing her and caressing her breasts, and she caressed my chest, making the both of us blush. I made us lay in her bed, and I kept on caressing her breasts.
Then, suddenly, BANG! BANG! Someone was banging on her door. I stopped kissing her and tossed (y/n) her shirt, and I pulled my shirt on.
"Who is it?" she asked the person at the door, and I ran and hid in a ventilation shaft.
"It's me, Kanan," he says to me. "It's time for dinner! We got new foods to try!"
I crawled back to my room as Kanan talked to her, their conversation making an escape route for me. I finally ended up in my room, and I sat on my bed.
"Okay," she said, and she smiled. "I'll come out."
She walked out and ran into the kitchen. I still sat on my bed, waiting for Kanan to tell me it was time to eat. Then, he knocked on the door twice.
"Ezra, it's time to eat," he said, and I ran through the door, almost making Kanan fall.

After dinner...

"Well, guys," Kanan started. "You need your rest. We have a big mission tomorrow."
Then, everyone else except be and (y/n) in there, and she walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek.
"Good night, new boyfriend," she said and walked to her room.
I walked to mine in a happy mood and went to sleep.

Author's Note: Hello, fellow Rebels! Thanks for reading this! I won't be able to update my story until tomorrow after school. So, I hope you enjoy this story so far! Like, comment if you have any suggestions for my next fanfiction, and share your story so I can get as many likes as possible! Thanks for the support, Rebels, and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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