Chapter 1

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Location: Neum, Dalmatia/Herzegovina, Federation of B&H.

Gore, that's all Sergeant Major Faris can see in front of him as a monstrous demon like creature tears it's way through foxholes and dug in positions, the horned sword wielding fucker seemingly impervious to even the latest small arms Infantry weapons and its jagged medieval weapon making heavy Kevlar and plates look about as effective as paper. Still, Faris doesn't relent, he falls back to another position and waits, waits for the fucker to come into view just right before firing a grenade from his underbarrel M203 Grenade launcher and watching the 40mm projectile hit the red fucker centre mass. For a moment he laughs but its fleeting, the creature comes rushing at him, a wound visible but seemingly unimportant to it. The veteran however quickly gathers himself and opens fire, unwilling to go down without a fight. Just as the thing is ready to swing its sword and decapitate the Sergeant Major, a powerful shot hits the side of its head and finally does the fucker in, dropping it dead on the spot. With a heavy sigh Faris retreats, this time away from the battlefield.

Quentin McCalley, US ranger and coalition volunteer took another one of the horned demon fucks out, one of the only things besides heavy sustained fire, artillery and tanks that seemed to take these monstrous shits out was the ol reliable .50 BMG round straight out of an anti-material rifle, an AS50 in his case. Its high rate of fire allowed him to take out monster after monster with little rest, managing to kill around 20 thus far in the battle. However his luck would end there as he heard the rustling of leaves behind him, his spotter pointed his own rifle at the noise while McCalley drew his sidearm and placed his rifle on his back since he felt that he was about to do some improvised PT. Their worst fears were confirmed when a ball of purple flame flew out from the trees, Quentin dodged it however the spotter ended up not being as lucky and the flame spread quicker than anything the Sergeant had ever seen before and the worst part was that it didn't just burn the spotter, it fucking changed him. His flesh and body twisted like some sort of fucked up toy, his bones could be heard snapping over and over as they changed and healed and by God Quentin wasn't taking any chances, he ran like he had never run before, Usain bolt would've had to hand over his damn medals at the sight. Good thing too, the forest behind him was set aflame by whatever the fuck that pink fire was, turning it into anything BUT a forest. To his side he saw the battle was lost, and he wasn't gonna become another corpse just yet, thus he kept running even when outside the burning forest.

Preston Gliva was having absolutely none of this bullshit, fucking demons tearing through tanks like paper mache, men getting skewered on swords and fire that changed and twisted them into walking screaming abominations begging to fucking die, nope he was running and he was not looking back. The battle at first wasn't so bad, sure the shits were difficult to take down but he thought they had this in the bag, afterall the latest tanks had arrived from Germany and Hungary, some good and exceptionally fast tanks at that, and the Coalition and involved nation states had outfitted their men in some of the best gear money could buy, the demons had swords for fucks sake what could they do? Well apparently with enough numbers they can not only win the battle for Neum but also completely devastate the forces sent to contain and eliminate them. Even when the number of demons increased Preston was confident, he saw the latest and best aircraft in the world flying over head and raining down hell on the damn things, he could hear the artillery howitzers pounding the beaches and streets. Yet in the end, it didn't matter how many they killed when more of them just came and replaced them. Corporal Glina saw winged screaming demon bird fuckers and gargoyle looking bitches swarm and destroy fighter jets and bombers, artillery pieces were silenced when purple BDSM looking demons came around and just TELEPORTED right in the middle of the artillery crews, safe to say they didn't last long. Preston signed up to be a hero, not a martyr, and so he ran and just kept running as the demons rushed positions around him, he escaped the slaughter.

Moritz "Moe" Schrader was a proud paratrooper, a member of the best he thought as the Coalition outfitted him in the finest gear any military man could ever hope to wear during service. Yet when his transport plane was suddenly assaulted by what looked like Gargoyles and oversized flying Manta Rays no amount of money, training and gear could hope to save them, and yet he fought. The Gargoyle swarm was eager to feast on some human flesh it seems as they impatiently boarded the transport rather than wait for it to fall and collapse, letting Moe and his brothers in arms open fire on the fucks and kill them in droves. These demons were alot easier to down than their brethren, but no matter how many they killed more kept coming, and the numbers took their toll. Several men were dragged away and brutalised right then and there, torn to shreds like they're nothing. Moritz ran and grabbed some extra mags for his rifle when the Manta Rays did the transport in, seeing it spin uncontrollably to the ground below which made even the gargoyle looking demons rush out of the aircraft so save themselves. Moritz and the remaining soldiers that could ran out and did the risky thing of dropping out of the moving and rapidly descending transport plane but thankfully most including Moe managed to do it successfully.

He opened his chute in the last minute to avoid the aerial demons which descended upon the survivors and wreckage alike. Moritz landed in the forest and immediately began sprinting through, hoping to lose the demons as they started their cruel hunt for every remaining survivor. He'd manage to successfully escape, coming across a destroyed house from the Bosnian war in the early 90s and deciding to take a rest, only to be greeted by the sight of 3 other soldiers huddling around a fire, 2 coalition men and 1 national who only looked at Moritz and gestured him to join them.

The 4 men shared a moment of somber and terrified silence, just hoping the demons would pass them over, yet with each passing moment the tension in the air only grew as dread crept its way in, they were coming and they were combing the area for survivors. Each man sent their prayers to God, be they Muslim, Christian or anything else they simply prayed for salvation, safety and survival.

That's when as though a God had heard their prayers and decided to fuck with them, a rift opened in the middle of their little fire, screams and shouts of terror followed by desperate grappling and grabbing of any nearby leverage could be seen and heard but to no avail, the rift sucked them in and thankfully they didn't die, instead they found themselves in the middle of a humongous ruined city, with a ledge beside them overlooking countless kilometres worth of more destroyed urban infrastructure, explosions raging down below as shouts and artillery fire could be heard from everywhere.

Location: Hive World Corvus Majoris

"So... What now?" Moritz said, breaking the silence.

Even the Veterans such as Faris and McCalley were completely and utterly stumped and at a loss for words. Yet it was the Ranger that broke the silence nonetheless.

"I got no fucking clue but, let's gather some Intel for now, best we can do in this shitty situation right?" He stated ad though it were a matter of fact, the other veteran Faris nodded.

"McCalleys right, follow my lead lads, we're exploring this place, wherever the hell this place is..."

And thus the men began their trek into the unknown, wondering where the fuck they are.

A/N: Ending the first chapter on a bit of a cliffhanger ain't I, oh well I've got time now so I'll be doing my best to update this frequently so don't worry lads.
Oh and question, you want some of the soldiers to be aware of the meta knowledge of warhammer 40k, such as for example Faris or McCalley knowing where the fuck they are, what deamons, who the Emperor is etc etc... comment so I can know for sure.

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