Chapter 2

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The band of soldiers made their way through the rubble and ruins of truly gargantuan structures, gothic in apperance and dwarfing any that walked by them, Faris realised that whatever this place was it made sure that the average citizen knew how miniscule they were. His musing was cut off by Preston who hurriedly placed his hand on the veterans shoulder, grabbing his attention.

"Uh, sir, I need to know what the plan here is..." Gliva said, shining a light on just how green he truly was, clinging onto the first figure of authority he could see.

"Ill have to dissappoint you Corporal Gliva, there is no plan outside just figure out where we are and survive. Wherever we are its clearly a warzone and it sure as all hell isnt Earth." Kotroman told his underling exactly how it was, he was never a man to sugarcoat and bullshit his way through a situation, maybe thats why he never made it past Sergeant-Major.

Upon hearing his superior speak Gliva grew dejected and panicky, he didnt sign up for this after all. Thats when Moe placed a hand on Prestons shoulder, patting him on the back as he did.

"Dont worry kid, wherever we are it cant be as bad as Afghanistan, Syria or Tigray so hold your head high knowing youre surrounded by veterans." Moe, ever the caring soldier, reassured Preston despite not really being all to sure of the situation himself, hed have to rely on Faris and Quentins judgements as the two were not only the oldest but also the most experienced of the four. 

Quentin scoffed at the idea however he didnt let the others hear, he knew that as stupid as hope was it was what the kid needed most. He approached Faris as they continued walking, starting up a conversation to kill the boredom even as war raged around them.

"Sergeant-Major sir, you recognise any of the architecture or anythin?" The question earned an audible "Hmm..." from Faris as he thought it over for a bit, voicing his opinion shortly after.

"Well, in a way I do, Its a form of Gothic with an emphasis on size and displays of power, similar to a tabletop game I used to be really into when I was still in the Academy back in Tuzla, other officer cadets got me into it and the lore since it was one of those war games where you commanded squads n shit," He chuckled as he remembered his youth, fresh out of highschool and surrounded by good friends, too bad more than a few met a gruesome end back during a peacekeeping mission in Yemen they had all volunteered for, "but yeah, It similar to the architecture of that game now that I think of it, but Im pretty sure thats just a coincidence. For now Sergeant just assume we got dragged into hell by that rift and keep your guard up." 

The grimness of the statement at the end surprised Quentin but he just gave a solemn nod and stayed silence afterwards, the only keeping the atmosphere from being awkward was the relentless pounding of artillery and firing of rifles that could be heard at a distance, some a bit too close for comfort. The noise pressuring Faris to do something, anything, to preserve the lives of his fellow soldiers.

"Men, Im going to have to ask you to swear your lives to me, because every decision Ill be making from here on may or may not result in our deaths." Faris stated to break the silence of the squad, assuming command and full responsibility as the superior in rank and age to everyone else. "I will command without doubt from here on out and I will found a way out of this hellhole or I will die trying, so help me God." He swore an oath, there was no turning back now, a promise is a debt to be paid and he was determined on paying it off by any means necessary.

Each man, no matter how fearful, nodded and swore. They would place their faith in Kotroman, not like they had much of a choice as in the chaos of the unknown he was the only glimmer of light and order to them, a superior to follow.

With that out of the way Faris let out a satisfied and tired sigh, turning his head towards the noise of combat coming only a few clicks away from their location. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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