Main Characters and information

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the art, it belongs to its respective artists.

Name: Faris Kotroman
Age: 28
Nationality: Bosnian
Occupation: National Soldier
Branch: Infantry
Rank: Sergeant-Major

"Fuck this shits cumbersome, I'd rather get whatever disease those things carry with them than wear this mask and insulted ass kit, fuck the brass but I goddamn hope this equipment does us good

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"Fuck this shits cumbersome, I'd rather get whatever disease those things carry with them than wear this mask and insulted ass kit, fuck the brass but I goddamn hope this equipment does us good." - Sergeant Major Kotroman commenting on the newly received impermeable uniform.


Name: Quentin McCalley
Age: 24
Nationality: American
Occupation: Coalition Soldier
Branch: Infantry
Rank: Sergeant

"Don't know what the brass was thinking when they gave a sniper this kind of kit, the built in sight is nice but everything else is unnecessary, heavy and hot as shit, but we'll see how it fares in Neum

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"Don't know what the brass was thinking when they gave a sniper this kind of kit, the built in sight is nice but everything else is unnecessary, heavy and hot as shit, but we'll see how it fares in Neum." - Sergeant McCalley when asked for his opinion on the uniform.


Name: Preston Glina
Age: 20
Nationality: American
Occupation: Coalition Armed Volunteer
Branch: Infantry
Rank: Corporal

Name: Preston GlinaAge: 20Nationality: AmericanOccupation: Coalition Armed VolunteerBranch: InfantryRank: Corporal

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"I signed up to be a hero, save lives, defend mankind and keep soldiers in the fight. Wish someone told me more about those monsters before I signed my life away, would've stayed in med school." - Corporal Preston when asked why he joined the Coalition force.


Name: Moritz "Moe" Schrader
Age: 24
Nationality: German
Occupation: Coalition Soldier
Branch: Airforce
Rank: Corporal

Name: Moritz "Moe" SchraderAge: 24Nationality: GermanOccupation: Coalition SoldierBranch: AirforceRank: Corporal

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"Fortis et Fidus, strong and loyal, that was our motto. We kept it too, kept it to the last goddamn man even after I saw the casualties of my brothers in arms ramping up with each mission, and this mission in Bosnia made me sick to the stomach. I fucking knew something was gonna go wrong the moment I felt like the artillery stopped firing..." - Corporal Moritz commenting on the Battle for Neum.

Further Information: What is the difference between a coalition soldier and armed volunteer I hear you ask, its rather simple, it is a title meant to symbolize that the individual in question has no prior military experience and is a civilian volunteer with a specialized enough skill-set to warrant permitting them into the Coalition forces as an Armed Volunteer, serving as secondary or support units meant to reinforce the standard Armed Forces of the Coalition, be it as a medic, mechanic or something else of the sort.

Coalition Force units are equipped in the latest and most advanced gear of any Armed Force in the world equipping countless volunteers from across the world which have amassed to beat back the unknown monstrous threat which spawned from the Adriatic. Biological warfare utilised by the monsters has deemed the use of advanced gasmask and hazardous material protection necessary, resulting in cumbersome but effective gear.

National Forces currently engaging the threat are equipped with the same Coalition equipment, maximising the effectivness of these men and women as bulwarks against the dark. 

Medics, as per the rules of warfare are designated with specialised uniforms, however this is not to warn enemy combatants that they arent a target but rather so that their fellow brothers in arms can spot them anywhere in case of an emergency, since the rift has shown to interfere with electronic communications, verbal communication is often the only method soldiers can put to any good use. Medics are armed just like any other soldier and expected to put their firearms to good use.

Soldiers of the Coalition and National Army Veterans have also additionally undergone experimental genetic and musculatural augmentation in hopes of maximising their survivability against the monsters. As a result they posses significantly greater strength than the average soldier alongside an improved immune system and superior standard vision and clarity.

A/N: If youve got any other questions, feel free to comment and ask, Im all for answering.

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