Silent Thunder: Comparing Stories

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Thanks all of you! My story grows fast! I remember a month ago it was all reads, no votes, no noting. Zip! It sucked. So thanks! I was on here for an hour and the reads grew from 786 to 816 in that one hour! That's amazing! But you want to know something funny? Reads don't make me as happy as comments do! :) So please read,vote, and comment! Your amazing! This chapter is dedicated to Princessofmyworld for being so funny and sarcastic! Your great!

Copyright 2011


Chapter Six

Kyle smiled. He looked cute when he did that. He had some hidden dimples. What was I thinking?! No way was he cute! He was to annoying for that.

"Actually I wouldn't mind some bagels. You?"


He walked over to bag of  dog-food and the bagel bag next to it. I realized he might know that I was that wolf the other day. I was going to deny everything he asked about it when I remembered he always seemed to push the truth out of me. But maybe a simple statement could keep him from asking questions.

"What did you buy the dog-food for?", I asked.

"You!", Kyle retorted.

Huh? How did he know that wolf was me? Was it obvious? I glanced at him. His face was twisted into a smirk and his eyes were laughing.

"You told me about the McDonald's incident. Remember? What other incident could it be? They mess up your burger or something?", Kyle said, popping our bagels into the toaster.

I grimaced. So he knew everything. Was he always going to know everything? He knew so much about me while I knew so little about him. It wasn't fair!

"Yeah. About that...'

" I know what your going through. It's weird right?", Kyle said, interrupting me.

"Duh! How would you like it if you woke up one morning as a wolf and didn't know if you would ever be human again? It scared the crap out of me?"

"It made you poop?", he said, looking like he was about to crack up laughing.

He was officially an idiot.

"No!....Speaking of which where is the bathroom?"

Kyle pointed outside the shack. He was kidding right?

"The McDonalds is closest. Unless your scared to go back.", Kyle joked.

What a jerk. I walked outside and slammed the door behind me.

"Don't buy anything our bagels are almost ready!"


I walked into McDonalds and immediately smelled those horrible greasy hamburgers. Poor cows. After walking out of the bathroom I sat down on a nice comfy booth seat. Maybe Kyle and I should just eat in here. I watched the people in line slowly move to the front, pick up their food, and leave. I must have stayed there quite a while.

Suddenly a small looking teenager walked towards me in a cheap MickeyD's uniform. His name tag said Jim. I almost screamed with surprise.

"M-M-Miss you've b-b-been here for quite a w-w-while. Y-y-you better eat something or leave."

I turned around and stifled laughter. This was not happening! I regained composure then faced him with a death stare. He stood firm, pretending to be bold.

"Yo Jimmy! You better leave me alone. I'm staying here. Get over it.", I said coldly.

Jim ran away, looking scared for his life. I almost laughed out loud. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me.

"Does it really take that long to use the restroom?!'

Kyle. He must have been worried.

'No.But this booth is comfier than those chairs of yours."

He laughed. Then I asked the question I'd wanted to know since I saw him change from a wolf to a human, almost at will.

"Are you a werewolf too? Or whatever I am?"

He sighed.

"I don't know really. Most likely."

"When did you find out you me?", I asked, my voice low.

"My sixteenth birthday. I was mad at my brother and I don't know what happened. He ended up on the floor. I just ran after that.. I fell asleep on some old man's porch that night and when I woke up I was a wolf. It took me a day to change back.", Kyle replied. It looked like he was near tears.

I felt a shiver creep down my spine. It was just like me. Except I wasn't mad. I wasn't ready to tell him that. But I owed him some explanation.

"It was my sixteenth birthday too. Three days ago. I was in a car accident with my friend. Afterwards I kind of freaked out and slept on a hill. I woke up a wolf. I spent the whole day like that."

He gasped. The similarity in our stories was hard to ignore. Something was going on. I didn't think I liked it either.

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