Chapter 1

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-y/n pov-
It's today my first day of school and i'm kinda nervous. I had a lot of things on my mind
"Am i going to make new friends" , "are they going to like me" , "what if i get bullied" but I ignored those thoughts i get up from my bed and walked to my closet to pick a basic outfit and went to the bathroom to make me ready for school.
(Your clothes)

You don't wear make up so you just brushed your hair and your theeth after that you went downstairs to eat your breakfast

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You don't wear make up so you just brushed your hair and your theeth after that you went downstairs to eat your breakfast.
You were eating some cereals with a glas of water. You looked at you phone and saw that your bus is going to be here in 10 min, you runned to the door taked your backpack and runned to the busstop luckily your where just on time. You got on the bus and everyone was looking at you you where searching for a free seat. There was a free seat infront of a boy with dark brown hear and dark brown eyes, you both had a eye contact and he smiled softly at you, you smiled back. You broke the eye contact and sat infront of him, when you sat down you heard whispers from other girls in the bus
"Did anthony just smiled at her" , "i know right he never smiled, he's always so grumpy and only smiles with his friends" so his name is Anthony i see (you chuckled) after a few minutes the bus stopped and everyone got out of the bus, i walked out of the bus and entered the school building. I was trying to search the principal office to pick up my schedule but I couldn't find it. That's when I pumped into someone and i dropped my phone, that persone looked up "oh god i'm so sorry" she picked up your phone and give it to you, luckily the glass is nog broken
"Lia: i'm lia l/l/n btw"
She offered her hand to do a handshak, i excepted it
"I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you"
I smiled at her and she smiled back
"Lia: your new right, wanna be friends"
"Yeahh, i will love that"
"Lia: great, your chearching the principal office right?"
"Lia: alright follow me"
I followed her to the principal office and went inside to get my schedule, after e few minutes i walked out and saw lia talking with that boy from the bus. Anthony i guess
"Hey, i'm back"
"Lia: oh y/n, this is anthony larusso"
"Oh hey i'm y/n, i recognise you"
"Oh yeah, i recognise you to"
He chuckled, you both where lost in each other eyes but then rang the bel
"Lia: whe should get going, which class do you have y/n"
"Anth: Of i have math tho"
"Lia: oh i have science. See you at lunch break y/n" you and Anthony left to your class, you both entered the class together. Everyone looked at you to, they where shocked to see Anthony larruso the popular boy to see with the new kid
"Teacher: your y/n y/l/n right?"
"Yes that's me"
"Teacher: well class we're having a new student in class her name is y/n y/l/n, y/n looks like you already know Anthony you can sit next to him"
I nodded and sit beside Anthony. I heard a lot of whispers.
-syndie pov-
"That girl got to be kidding me, trying to steal MY BOY from me" she said to her minions
"Girl 1: that bitch needs to know her limits"
They al started laughing
-y/n pov-
*Time skip*
I walked out of class to the cafeteria and saw lia sit at a table, i walked to her and sit down next to her
"Lia: hey y/n, how where your first lessons"
"It was okay"
"Lia: soooo who's your seatmate, is he/she nice?"
"It's Anthony"
"Lia: oh that's cool"
"Yeah, you know there are some girls in my class who keeps on looking at me and Anthony and giving me those dirty faces, and keeps on whispering stuff to each other"
"Lia: who?"
I pointed at a girl group right behind her
"Lia: UGHH that is syndie and her minions, you should stay away from them. They are bitches. They talk bad about everyone in school except of anthony ofcourse, she has a fat ass crush on him but he doesn't really like her. Anthony is the kind of cold and grumpy type of person he never really smiles at people he don't know or don't like. He only has like 3 friends but if you are close with him he's a totally sweety. That must be the reason why she was whispering and giving you dirty looks, she must be jealous that you and Anthony are kind of close especially because your THE NEW KID.
"Ughh i hate that name"
"Lia: i know, if i was you stay away from her. If she ever does something, tell me and i will kick her ass"
We both started laughing
"I still don't get what you mean with, that he doesn't smile to people he don't know or like. He smiled at me in the bus when we first saw each other, we had some awkward eye contact actually"
"Lia: owhh that's kind of new, you must be special then"
"Yeah funny"
"Lia: well if you think about it, you guys had some really intense eye contact before the bell rang this morning. And he looks alot at you, and not to forget to mention you look at him also a lot. Like right now"
"What, no i don't stare at him at all"
"Lia: yeah right, you know you can't lie to me"
"Okay fine i just think he's cute and he helped me a lot today with school and everything. And he's kind of handsome thought"
"Lia: aishhh, her first day and already simping over Anthony"

HEYY GUYSS i know this is not pretty long. It's my first wattpad story in my hole life
Please show some love 💕
Btw there will be almost every day at 8 pm a new chapter 💕

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