Chapter 6

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After the little talk with mr larusso i walked to Anthony
"Hey ant"
Anthony: hey y/n, you did great out there
We both look at each other smiling and giggling
"I think we should work on the dance"
Anthony: let's go to one of my dad's dojo, ther is enough space to dance. I just go ask really quick.
He left to go ask his dad and after a few minutes he came back
Anthony: we can use the dojo, let's go
I follow him to the dojo
"Wow, this looks so cool"
Anthony: i know right, so about the dance.
"Yes, i have some songs in mind"
Anthony: alright tell me
"Maybe we could use lovely from billie eilish, or we don't talk anymore from charlie puth"
Anthony: i don't know
After brainstorming for 10 minutes we finally found a song, it's pretty romantic
"The song is pretty romantic so we should make a romantic dance, wait i have some idees"
You showed him the moves
Anthony: i really like the first 2 and the last one
*after 30 min*
Mrs larusso entered the dojo
Mrs larusso: hey y/n and Anthony
Anthony: hey mom
"Hey mrs larusso"
Mrs larusso: how goes the dance
"Pretty good actually"
Mrs larusso: that great, i came here to call you bith for dinner.
Anthony: we are coming in a bit mom
Mrs larusso nodded and left the dojo
After a minute we both left the dojo en went inside the houde for dinner we both sit down next to each other at the dinner table
Mrs larusso: so y/n do you have any siblings
" i do have a older brother but i don't see him a lot"
Mrs: what's his name
Sam: wait!! Robby keene
Sam: he's my ex
"I know, he told me today before i left when he asked me where i was going i told him i was going to mr larusso for karate and then he told. I didn't know you both used to date"
Sam: i didn't know he was your brother
Mr larusso: so your last name is also keene
"Yup y/n keene"
*after dinner*
"It's pretty late anthony so i think i'll just get going or my mom gets worried"
Anthony: i will walk you to your house
"Thankyou"  he smiled at me
We both left the house and walked to my house zfter a 5 min walk we arrived at my house
Anthony: nice house
Anthony: see you tomorrow at school
"See you"
Before he left he walked to me and give me a tight hug,  i blushed while my face was in his chest. I could smell him, he smells like sweet vanilla.
Anthony smiled at me for the last time and then walked away. I entered my house and saw my mom and robby sitting in the couch while watching tv
"Mom, robby i'm back"
Mom: hey sweetie
" i'm going to take a shower and then stay in my room"
Mom: don't you want to eat dinner"
"I eated dinner at the larusso's"
Mom: alright then
I walked to my room and taked my pyama and entered the shower. Zfter the shiwer i got back in my room and got a messege

Anthony added you to the groupchat

Huh ahahahah that group name really can't

(Your wearing this btw)

———————————————————————————Next part will be about the groupchatI'm sorry again a short one🤍 School is starting again today and it's already giving me so much stress

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Next part will be about the groupchat
I'm sorry again a short one🤍
School is starting again today and it's already giving me so much stress.
I'm sorry if i can't post on time 🤍🎥

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