Chapter 3

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Anthony and sam walked to the garden, sam went to her dad and anthony s t next to you on the bench
"There you are, what took you so lang"
"Anthony: there was something with sam"
"Oh alright"
Daniel started his karate lesson, to be honest it looks really cool and they all are really nice.
"Anthony eagle fan and miyagi-do work together now to take down cobra kai, the sensek from eagle fang is the blond man he is pretty strict and stubborn. We bont don't really have a lovely band"
"Oh i see"
*time skip*
Daniels lesson is over and i was about to leave to go home
"Ant, i should get going now then the lesson is over."
"Anthony: awhhh stay for dinner please"
"Daniel: yeah y/n stay for dinner"
"Alright, i'm just going to text my mom really quick"

Mom can i stay for dinner at the larusso's

Alright then but not to late home

Thankyouu mom

"I can stay for dinner"
"Anthony: perfect"
"Daniel: you both can go to Anthony's room if you want, we will call you if dinner is ready"
We nodded and went to his room. We entered his room, i look around and saw a game PC and a PS5 and cool let lights. He really has a nice room
"Nice room"
"Anthony: thx, wanne play on the ps5"
After playing for a few minutes we kind of got bored of it
"Wanna watcha movie or something"
"Anthony: whay movie do you wanna watch"
"Idk, you can choose"
"Anthony: the avengers: end game?"
"Anthony: make yourself comfortable"
I walked to his bed and l lies next to him under the covers, we kept our distance. after about 30 min you got tired, you dropped your head gently on his chest. Anthony was a bit shocked when he saw you put your head on his chest, anthony gets more comfortable so you can put your head more comfortable on his chest, but you woke up
"I'm sorry for that"
"Anthony: you can lay your head on my chest, don't worry about it"
Y/n lays her head back on his chest and falls asleep
*30 min later*
anthony woke you up and said that dinner is ready, you both maked your way downstairs to the dinnerroom. You both sit next to each other
"Amanda: you must be y/n"
"Yes, nice to meet you mrs larusso"
"Amanda: just call me amanda"
She smiled at me
*after dinner*
"Anthony i think i should get going now"
"Anthony: alright then. See you tomorrow y/n"
I left to my hous, he lifs really close to my house. I entered my house
"Mom: hey sweetie, how was it at your friends house"
"It was really fun"
"Mom: that's great sweetie"
"Mom, can i do karate at miyagi-do please"
"Mom: ofcourse"
And then i went to my room and texted anthony

Hey anthony


My mom told me u can join miyagi-do

Reallyy, that's nice.
I'm going to tell my dad that your going to join

Alright then
I have to go, it's pretty late
See you tomorrow Ant!

See you y/n

-anthony pov-
I walked to my dad
"Anthony: hey dad"
"Daniel: yes son"
"Anthony: y/n just texted me she's going to join miyagi-do"
"Daniel: that's great, text her that tomorrow the lesson starts at 6pm"
"Anthony: ok"

The lesson starts tomorrow at 6pm

Alright 😊


I'm sorry this part is pretty short
Next part will be langer
Tomorrow part 4

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