Chapter 5

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I walked to the larusso's house and knocked on the door, Anthony opended the door
Anthony: hey y/n
"Hey ant"
Anthony: my dad is already waiting for you in the garden with the rest
"I should get going then, see you later"
I left and go to the garden
Mr larusso: hey y/n your here
He smiled at you
Mr larusso: great your just on time, because this is your first lesson i'm going to show you the first lesson,sam help them train for the all valley while i teach y/n her first lesson.
Sam nodded
Mr larusso: come with me y/n
You walke with mr larusso To the parking lot and saw all the dirty car's
"Ohh noo, i already know what i have to do. Your making me clean these car's as a kind of technic to learn me your denfece moves. Am i right?
Mr larusso: yep, your learing fast. I get you some water, soap and a cloth
After a few minutes mr larusso came back with the stuff
Mr larusso: make big circles okay, i'll be back in 30 minutes.
*After a few minute*
Anthony: ohh noo ahahahaha did my dad really made you do this
"Stop laughing, it's a way of teaching me a karate lesson"
Anthony: yeah yeah if you say so, your almost done already
*few minutes later*
Daniel came back and saw that your almost done while talking with his son Anthony
Daniel: hey ant, you should help y/n. Will be good for your defence
Anthony: nahh
Daniel: already then
"I'm done sensei"
Daniel: good, come here. I have some paint for you, go paint the fence
"Is this also some kind of technic"
Daniel: ofcourse. So you take the paint brush and go up and down. Make big movements
Afger a few minutes he came back
Daniel: that will be enough, come here
I walked to him and stand infront of him
Daniel: show me wax on, wax off
I showed him
"Like this"
Daniel: yup, now do that again while i am trying to hit you
" uhhmm okay"
While doing wax on, wax of. You pushed amay his fist to defend yourself
"Woahhh, like this"
Daniel: yup your doing great, now show me how you painted the fence
I showed him the bug movements while he was trying to hit me again
Daniel: your doing amazing
While doing those movements was Anthony shocken of how fast you learned the moves
"Amazed hè Anthony"
Anthony: well yes, i didn't new you learned that fast
"There is more that you don't know about me"
I winked to him and walked away with mr larusso to the rest
-anthony pov-
Oh god this girl is driving me insane, and she's so beautiful, i walked to y/n and saw her talking with my sister sam.
-y/n pov-
Daniel: alright everyone line up infront of the box bag, so in turn everyone gives a forward kick and a sideways kick.
Everyone did what he said
Daniel: Y/n you go first because this is your first time. So you just kcik rught in the middle of the bag with your leg right up and putted all your weight on your leg that your going to kick and in one forse kick forward
I did what he said
Daniel: not bad, for the sideway kick your going to do the samd but just put your leg oblique and kick with your whole wieght 
Daniel: not bad either, next time put more wieght and force to the kick and in remeber to make it in kne fast move
"Yes sensei"
I looked at anthony and he showed le thumps up, i smiled at him and walked to the end of the raw
After a few more tries it was going much better
*end of lesson*
Daniel walked to you
Daniel: you did much better then I expected for your first lesson
Daniel: your staying longer right, for that dance project with Anthony
Daniel: you should stay for dinner
"Altight thankyou mr larusso"
He smiled at me


I'm sorry, i know he's pretty short
Next one will be longer..promise
If you have some requests about home i should make the story then dm me on my instagram acc @yashia_tje

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