Chapter 4

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*next morning*
You woke up and did your morning routine, after putting ln your clothes you went downstairs to get your breakfast
(Your clothes/ i'm sorry if you don't like it)

*next morning* You woke up and did your morning routine, after putting ln your clothes you went downstairs to get your breakfast (Your clothes/ i'm sorry if you don't like it)

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While you where eating you breakfast you got a text from anthony

Hey y/n

Hey Anthony, is there something.

No there is nothing , just wanted to ask if you want a lift to school.
My dad is going to give me a ride to school.

You really don't have to, i can just take the bus.

To late, I'm already waiting for you infront of your house.

Oh godd anthony, alright i'll be there in 5 minutes.

After that text you putte on your shoes and jacket, you taked a granola bar and your sandwich that you maked yesterday night.
"Mom: Already, bus is just going in 2o min"
"Anthony and mr larusso are giving me a lift to school"
"Mom: oh alright then, see you later"
"Bye mom"
I kissed her cheek and runned outside, i saw the car from mr Larusso and sit at the back behind anthony
"Anthony: hey y/n"
"Hey hey"
"Daniel: good morning y/n"
"You to mr larusso"
You three had a peaceful ride to school. After 10 minutes you arrived at your school, you and anthony said your goodbyes to mr larusso and entered the school building
"Everyone keeps looking at us"
"Anthony: i know"
All the students had there eyes glued on the both of you and that's when anthony's friends runned to you two
Zack: hey anthony and your y/n right
"Yup, and you both are"
"Michel: zack and michel"
I smiled at them both and looked next to mee to see a jealous anthony
"You okay ant"
"Anthony: yup"
"Alright then"
We just stood there talking, getting to know each other until lia runned at y/n
"Why are you yelling like that"
"Lia: didn't you see it"
"See what?"
"Lia: on twitter"
"I don't have twitter"
"Lia: you have to see this"
Lia showed you a video of syndie falling into a pool of mudder, we 5 started laughing
"Anthony: well to bad for her"
We 5 got inside the school and the bell ringed
*time skip ( lunch break)*
We all five ate together our lunch until i feel something wet on my head, there was milk poured over my head. I turned ourand and saw syndie with her 3 minions
"What the actually fuck syndie, why would you do that"
"Syndie: that's what you get for not obeying me"
"Anthony: why would she obey you, jsut leave her alone syndie and go to your "friends" if you have them"
"Lia: if your trying to gain attention from Anthony then it's not working syndie. You just making him more angry you know that right"
"I'm going to the bathroom"
"Lia: wait i'm coming with you"
You both left to the bathroom to get you cleaned up and luckily you had some extra clothes in your locker and putted on those clothes, after a few minutes you both walked out of the bathroom and saw Anthony, zack and michel waiting for you there
"Michel: you okay y/n"
"Yeah i'm fine"
"Anthony: you better are"
"Lia: what lesson fo you guys have right now, because the bell is going in like 2 min
Zack: i have dance class
Michel/ Anthony: same
Lia: me to, and you y/n
"I have dance to"
We smiled, happy that we have the same lesson. You 5 made your way to the dance class and saw the teacher
Dance teacher: alright class as we all know is y/n new to our school so this is her first dance class, y/n would you like to show us something. If you want ofcourse
"Yeah sure"
You walked to the front and outted on the song
Positions from -ariana grande-

(Your dance stops at 1.12 min)
- Anthony pov-
Wow she's amazing
"Zack: she's pretty good"
Michel: ahahah anthony your eyes will burn if you keep on staring like that
Lia giggled
"Be careful or syndie will get jealous
We three started laughing
"Anthony: stop laughing already, it's just. She's good and beautiful and-"
"Zack: yeah we get it, you have a fat ass ceush on her"
"Anthony: what no i didn't said that"
"Lia: it's pretty obvious"
"Anthony: okay I admit but just don't tell her lia, you are her best friend. Please don't tell her"
"Lia: my mouth is shut"
"Anthony: thankyouu"
*after y/n her dance*
-y/n pov-
Dance teacher: you did great y/n
I walked to the others and sit down
Lia: you did great y/n, I didn't know yoi could dance
"I used to dance when i was young"
Anthony: you where amazing y/n
"Thx ant"
We smiled at each other and kept on looking in each other eyes.
Lia cleared her throat
We both looked away and you started blushing
"Lia: Are you blushing y/n
Whispered lia
"No i'm not"
I whispered back
Lia: are you sure, you look like a tomato
"Lia sshhh"
Lia: sorrryy
*the end of the dance class*
Dance Teacher: before everyone goes, i have a project for you guys by next week. So i'm going to make groups of two and you have to make a dance on a song and show to the class next week alright. The groups are
Lia and zack, michel and girl 3, syndie and kenny, girl 2 and boy 1, girl 1 and boy 2 and lastly y/' and Anthony. You may go now.
You all left out of the class and go outside the building to go home we five go in the bus and sat down all together
Anthony: so y/n we are together, do you have a idee of song already
" i have a few but idk yet, maybe we can work a little on it today after my karate lesson at your place"
Anthony: that will be great, are you going home first or you going with me immediately.
"I'm going home first because i don't have training clothes and I haven't eaten yet and i'm hungry"
Anthony: alright
After a few minutes it was yours and zack's stop
"Bye lia and michel, see you later Larusso" and you got iut of the bus and walked to you house. You entered with the spare key and saw you mom sitting in the couch with a boy around 17 years old
"Mom who's that"
Mom: oh sweetie your back, this is your older brother, you don't remember him anymore
"Robby is that you"
Robby: yup that's me
"Wooow you have changed so much"
Robby: i know right
"I didn't even recognise you"
You walked to him and give him a tight hug
"I really want to talk but i have to go eat something really fast and get ready now for karate
Robby: so you do karate now
"Yup just like you"
I left and putted on a jogging with a basic shirt. I walked to the kitchen and eated my spaghetti with a glass of cola
"Mom, robby i'm going. Oh yeah mom one more thing i'm staying a little longer because i have a project to do with Anthony for dance class and we are going to work on it for a while
Mom: alright sweetie, see you later
Robby: wait, did you just say Anthony, like in Anthony larusso
"Yes, you know him"
Robby: well yeah, his sister sam is my ex
"I didn't know that, me and Anthony are just friends"
Robby: if you say so
"Why does everyone keeps on saying that, i'm going"
Robby/ mom: bye

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