Chapter one meeting

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this is the rewrite of One soul two bodies the story will be somewhat the same but i will be adding a bit more to it i hope enjoy it

I hate this stupid temple not only was I constantly soaking wet I was running out of supplies fast. I had been here for five days and Navi had me on the point of insanity. I reached a strange room, a murky gray sky with white translucent water. I felt a shiver rake through my body as I scanned this room. There wasn't any walls whatsoever just water and a small island off to my right. This wasn't possible though, I couldn't be outside the temple. None of this made sense, it had to be an illusion. I could feel the anxiety setting in, there was no switch and yet there was no boss either. What would happen if the other door just locked and I got stuck here for the rest of my life.

I felt an immense sadness at that thought but it was almost as if it wasn't my own. I could feel something else here, so familiar yet foreign at the same time. Its calling to me and I want nothing more than to give in. I close my eyes listening to the calming silence within the room, my heart starts to race as I hear a second heart beat. Its beating in time with mine almost as if we are one. My mind whispers to me in a soothing voice, it's the other half of your soul calling out to you. My soul? Does half my soul belong to someone else? I blush as I picture Sheik, hes a mystery but I cant help myself im falling for him hard.

"HEY LISTEN! LINK! Quit with the creepy smile, I see a door on the far side of the room!" I jumped and glared up at the annoying blue fairy before stomping to the other side of the room. There was water seeping into my boots making me fairly uncomfortable as I sloshed through the water finally making it to a new barred door. I took a deep breath trying to keep calm but I couldn't stop the rage that took over my body. I was so angry and to top it all off I felt like I was on the verge of a mental break down, the moment I saw the bars over the damn door I growled losing it.

"I HATE THIS, I HATE HAVING TO DO THIS WHY CANT I EVER CATCH A DAMN BREAK!" I banged on the bars, feeling the warm trails rolling down my cheeks. I was forced into this damn life, I didn't ask for this! This isnt the way its supposed to be, they took everything from me and now I have to protect them. Normally I don't complain or feel sorry for myself but I cant not right now, this temple is too much. Im at the bottom of Lake freakin Hylia if I die down here no one would ever know.

"Link." I felt Navi about to land on my shoulder I swiped her away. My rage was fueling my actions and I didn't care who I hurt at that moment, it was almost as if these emotions weren't my own.

"Just get out of here I don't want to see you either!" I glared at her hatefully my blood was boiling, with a startled gasp she did as she was told flying to the door we came in through and disappeared. Then as quickly as it came my rage disappeared leaving me feeling completely drained. I just slid on to the ground letting myself fall into the clear water. This place was getting to me. Then its there a presence I've felt for years and I know I feel him before im even able to see him. I feel my heart begins to speed up like it does when im around sheik.

"Poor baby, hes reached his breaking point." The voice whispered close to my ear making me want to moan. I suck in a breath feeling something warm and slimy running up my jaw. I opened my eyes not even realizing that I had closed them. He was sitting between my legs staring at me curiously like he didn't just licked me. Im looking at myself well I would be if I had beautiful straight silver hair.

His eyes goddesses his eyes, theyre more beautiful than sheiks I could stare at them all day. They were a strange ruby color reminding me of the goron treasure I found as a child. He smiled warmly leaning down his hands on his thighs as he met my gaze, I wonder what he sees when he looks into my eyes.

"I see my world looking back at me." A voice echoed through my mind making me want to be close to him. He lifts his hands running his fingertips down my cheek making me bite my lip to hold in my moan. His fingers feel like pin pricks of pleasure against my skin. My face exploded with blush as he let out a soft moan, my mouth went dry. Desire flooded my veins as I stared into his half lidded eyes, I want him.

Ive never felt like this before not even with sheik. My thoughts with this guy are far from innocent, the things I'm picturing are making me want to pounce him. He smirks his eyes trailing down my body making me feel uncomfortably hot. I have to distract myself, I cant have these feelings I don't even know him. My perverted mind whispers, you can get to know him and at that point im mentally slapping myself.

"W-who are you?" I whisper making the ruby eyed boy grin flashing a sharp set of fangs.

"Im your shadow Dark Link." He says softly placing his hands on my thighs making me swallow hard. When I shake away the lust I realize what he said, my shadow? Navi had mentioned that when I became an adult I never had one. But shadows arent supposed to work this way are they? They arent supposed to be living breathing human beings.....are they?

I watched as the boy scooted up between my knees leaning forward tiling his head. I closed my eyes fearing he might kiss me or something. Its what you want! My mind chided making me internally sigh. I shivered as I felt something warm and slimy lick the trails of my tears away.

"No one understands you darling no one sees how difficult this is for you. They forced you to become a hero without even considering what you wanted. Poor baby, I understand you, I can take care of you." He whispers cupping my cheek gently so im looking into his deep ruby eyes. His words hit a place inside my heart that I didn't think anyone could ever reach, not sheik, not Zelda.

Now Dark Link has found his way inside my heart without having to try. This doesn't feel wrong though as much as it should it feels like were meant to be together. I felt the ache in my chest, the tears streamed down my cheeks again.

"Come here baby, let me take care of you." He murmured leaning back and opening his arms to me. I needed this, I needed him, I wanted someone to care about me I didn't care about anything else when I sat up wrapping my arms around him. He pulled me to his chest clutching me tightly as he began rocking me slowly.

For the first time since I had been forced to start this quest I felt like I was okay. I cried into my Dark twins black tunic. He didn't say a word but he didnt need, to his body showed me exactly what he wanted to say. To say I was content in his arms wouldn't be enough to describe the feeling of being close to him. I loved the warmth I received from him but not just that the pin pricks were there as well. He was comfort, home, my brother, myself.

The voice kept echoing through my head. I curled into his chest as he whispered sweet words, telling me I was going to be okay, that he would make sure I was okay. I felt so comfortable in his grip that I couldn't hold back the yawn that eventually escaped my lips.

I felt Dark Link chuckle as he lifted me up bridal style and walked me to the island in the middle of the strange room. He sat down on the sand leaning against the tree setting me on his lap so I was cuddled up to him my face laying on the crook of his neck. He smelled so nice kind of like the oceans foam, it was as soothing as his voice that lulled me to sleep.

"There there rest now Darling we can worry about everything after you rest." Dark said softly petting my hair as he leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead. I felt a tug on my heart when he said we. I pressed my pointed ear closer to his chest listening the the strong beating of his heart, it was beating so quickly.

Do I make him feel the way he makes me feel? I fell asleep with a smile on my face in the arms of my twin thinking that I could stir his emotions the way he does mine. His arms tightened around my body making me shiver again at his nearness, this is the closest I've ever been to anyone.

One soul two bodies rewriteWhere stories live. Discover now