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When we awoke the sun was barely rising in the sky making me smile as Link wrapped an arm around me. Holding each other tightly we greeted the morning light and honestly it was the best damn morning of my life. Finally when he sun was above our heads Link sat up stretching and yawning quietly. When he looked at me he got a strange look in his eyes, he smiled softly almost as if he was relieved.

"Good morning Dark." He whispered before wrapping his arms around me. I leaned into him loving how affectionate he had become, I don't want to leave him again. The last month without him I felt like I was dying, but then I heard the words he whispered into our connection.

"Please....come home. Because Dark... Your home is with me." I broke down in tears wanting to run back to him, not long after he was captured by the Gerudo. I let Link help me up as we walked back to kakariko village. When we were about a mile out I begin to hear the screams, the scent of blood and some hits me.

"Link something is wrong!" We sprinted to the village as quickly as we could. The sky was black with smoke and clouds, blood and ashes were the only thing I could smell. I took my sword from its sheath and ran straight for the middle of town. I glared It was a shadow being just like me. I ran at it with my sword and cut through it, I smiled as it howled in pain, it's a start.

"What are you doing Demon!" I spun around to see Links Sheikah staring at me with wide eyes.

"What is he a friend of yours?" I screamed back focusing on my enemy a second too late. I hit the ground hard as one of its hands caught my ankle. I stabbed my sword into the ground and held on tight to make sure he didn't drag me back.

"Dark!" I looked up seeing Link scream as he ran over to me.

"G-get back." I growled as the shadow tugged harder, I grit my teeth against the sharp pain in my ankle.

"Link your light arrow!" We heard the Sheikah scream. I watched confused as Link took out his bow and arrow and aimed a golden arrow of pure light at it. The moment the arrow hit the shadow I was jerked up and thrown against the wall. I groaned my vision blurry for a few seconds, I bLinked trying to clear it.

I saw the damn monster grab Link hanging him upside down. I ran as fast as I could to get to him but it was too late it slammed him down three times, I felt the pain radiate through me like it was my own. I fell to my knees and screamed my voice mixing with Links. -sun song, tell Sheik- he stopped being slammed into the ground which gave me a momentary break from the pain. I scanned the area for the Sheikah who had just saved a woman from being crushed by the roof of a house. Ah so he was helping and not just standing there like an idiot.

-Dark! Focus- I frowned.

~sorry Link~ Link smiled weakly in my direction.

"SHEIK! LINK SAID THE SUN SONG!" I watched confusion disappear from the blond Sheikahs crimson eyes before he pulled out a harp and began playing the sun song. We watched in awe as the sun broke through the clouds and sent the demon screaming, I panicked as it threw Link higher in the air.

"Fuck!" I screamed running as fast as I could towards Link who was now falling at an alarming rate. I felt the Sheikah trailing behind me but I didn't care my main priority was saving Link.

-Dark don't do it! Itll hurt you!- I ignored him diving to catch his body in my arms and twisting so he fell on top of me. I felt the air being crushed from my body, as Link landed on me. Unfortunately there was also a sickening crunch from my head I hit hard on the ground. I screamed the pain was too much, I couldn't move so I just sank back into the Darkness.

-Dark, I know you can hear me wake up. Please. Dark- why did that voice sound so familiar?

"W-where am i?" I said looking around to see a beautiful boy holding my hand. His eyes were like an ocean, clouded with tears. His skin was tan and golden blond hair framed his face on both sides. His face had an elegance to it that made me feel like I was talking to royalty. "Thank the three. Your safe Dark, thank you, thank you so much." He cried laying his head on my shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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