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Dark pov

I felt my face flush as I buried it in his shoulders. I knew without question I was undoubtedly in love with my other half. I hugged him tight relishing in the warmth his body brought me, he was my warmth, my light I wouldn't allow anyone to tear him from my side. I closed my eyes relaxing against him letting sleep over take me for the first time in seven years. I dreamt without nightmares, my mind completely at ease. I felt a nudge, slowly I opened my eyes stretching behind Link.

"We're here Dark" he said smiling over his shoulder at me. I watched as he dismounted epona reaching up to take me in his arms and lift me down. I felt my face turn red as I realized how close we were again when he set me down. I smiled realizing I was a bit taller than him, but there it was again the need to press my lips to his sweet pale pink ones. I caught his cerulean eyes in my gaze, leaning down he didn't move he simply shut his eyes, expecting. I gave him exactly what he was expecting I pressed my lips to his as the rain continued to pour down relentlessly.

I nipped his bottom lip making him gasp as I slowly pressed inside his warm wet mouth, he tasted like honey mixing with the rain. His tongue was hesitant but before long it fought me for dominance. This feeling of pleasure exploded through both of us, I knew Link felt it too. He was clutching my tunic so tightly to keep his knees from bucking. I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist, my hands feeling his muscular body through the thin fabric of his tunic.

He pulled away from our kiss a thin strand of saliva connecting our tongues. He stared at me through lust filled half lidded eyes, I cupped his cheek pressing my lips to his again unable to hold back. He tasted so sweet I just wanted to run my tongue all over his sun kissed skin. I wanted him moaning and writhing beneath me as I force him to take everything I have to give. I could feel my self getting hard as I pulled Link tighter against me grinding against him. He turned to the side breaking our kiss to moan my name, the sound was the sweetest thing I had ever heard.

My body ignited making me burn with need for him, I was aching wishing for more from my beautiful angel. I trailed kisses down his jaw as the rain continued pouring and yet it did nothing to sooth the fire burning within us. We could become one, right here. I forced him against the wall of the mountain, he didn't try to fight it either. His lust was riding so high making him moan and beg shamelessly beneath me for more friction between our bodies.

"LINK!" We both froze turning to see a little blue fairy red with rage.

"Navi" we said together, as I dropped Link to his feet backing away from him. Links eyes were blown wide in fear, suddenly I felt like a monster. Link made it perfectly clear he loved sheik and here I am using our bond against him. I looked down ashamed even if he had been begging for it at that moment it wasn't him talking, it was his soul wishing to become one with mine once more. I ran a hand through my damp hair looking at the seething fairy, I missed her like hell but there really wasn't a way to explain what she just saw.

"Link what are you doing?! Hes a boy, why are you kissing him?!" I watched as our angered fairy flew to Link scolding him like a child and he just sat there fidgeting trying to explain what she had just seen. So I said the only words that would direct her anger away from Link.

"I forced myself on him." I said as Links jaw dropped in shock, navi looked at me like she couldn't understand what the hell had just happened.

"What are you! I sense an evil presence around you!" I frowned as hurt settled deep in my heart. Navi had been my fairy too, why would she hate me so much. Im only what I was made to be, with Link that can change....cant it? My loyalty lies with my other half. Ganon can't make me hate Link or hurt him ever, I love him so much. I took a deep breath calming myself before addressing the fairy again.

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