Chapter two jealousy

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Dark pov

There were two things I knew for sure right at that moment, one that I was going to have to disobey master Ganon, I couldn't kill my twin. Two the tugging in my chest and the simple feeling of utter completion would be the death of me. I slowly rocked him back and forth running my hands gently through those soft blond locks.

I could hear the thoughts running through his mind. Who would have thought my pure half would be so naughty. I smirked to myself petting his beautiful blond hair. My light, my love the memories are just barely starting to coming back to me. I started humming the serenade of water while Link snored quietly. I leaned down pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. We laid together like that for hours until Links eyes finally cracked open.

My heart fluttered to life I didn't think I had one after what I had become with Ganon but seeing him like this made me remember loving him so much when we were one. I smiled down looking into his beautiful cerulean eyes that matched his now dry Zora tunic. His beauty was unmatched his tan skin was covered in scars and yet he still held a feminine look about him. His long black eyelashes making his cerulean eyes look so much bigger. The only words that could describe him were innocent and pure.

"You're still here." I frowned it was more of a statement then a question. Did he not want to be near me? I blinked back the tears that threatened to come to my eyes. Ive waited seven years to see him again only to be rejected.

"Did you want me to leave?" I couldn't hide the hurt in my voice I felt my emotions shut down as I slowly placed him on the island. His eyes widened in surprise as he stared at me about to walk away.

"Wait, please I didn't mean it like that." His voice sounded needy, I felt his fingers clasp around my wrist as he held me to him. The feeling of him touching me isnt something ill ever get over, it feels like thousands of needles are grazing my skin. It heightens my senses when hes close to me, maybe its because our souls recognize that they used to be one. I simply stared at him with an expressionless face awaiting the explanation that he was trying to give me.

"Im happy you're here its just, I thought you might leave. Ever since I started the quest everyone who was supposed to be my friend just left me. I was just shocked, but I'm happy you didn't leave." I felt my heart clench for my other half, I shook my head taking him in my arms again holding him tightly. He returned my embrace it felt like he was trying to hug me to death. But I sincerely wonder how many times someone has hugged him since his quest started.

"Its okay now." I whisper in his ear tucking his head under my chin. We stay there for a moment longer just holding each other.

"Are you ready to fight the boss and get out of here?" I said looking at him seriously he simple gave me the sweetest smile he could making my heart race. He nodded offering me his hand, I stared at it curiously before taking it. When we touched I let out a deep sigh as he began lacing his fingers through mine. I met his gaze and we looked into each others eyes as the room around us became a normal room. The spell holding me was broken and now Link and I could leave. We walked hand in hand to the barred door on the other side of the room.

"How do we open it?" Link said softly staring between me and the door. I smiled back at him before I snapped my fingers and watched as the door opened and the bars lifted. The grin on his face made my heart swell, I want to spend the rest of my life staring at him. I leaned against the wall staring at the room I had been locked in for so many years and waited for him to get the long-shot that I guarded. Together we trudged through the cold water until we reached the room where the boss door was. I used the shadows to reach the door while Link used his new toy.

"That was amazing! How did you do it?" Link questioned when he finally made it to me. I smirked raising an eyebrow making him blush.

"Im a shadow darling I can jump into the shadows whenever I wish." I said leaning forward to nuzzle his neck, he smells like the forest. I smile to myself remembering out past together, he doesn't remember but I do. I pull back to see link biting his lip he looks so nervous and embarrassed. Hes so innocent and every fiber of my being wants to be the one that that strips him of his innocence. He clears his throat under my gaze unable to hold eye contact any longer.

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