Bed Rest

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August 24th;

The summer was filled with lots of love, laughter, healing and recovering. Sam was officially cancer free and healing wonderfully. At the beginning of the month he started working again and finally feels like himself. He's been able to take care of his family and his wife which is all he has ever wanted to do.

Danny took the kids on some cool vacations such as Florida and California. Him and Mandy planned a big summer road trip and included the kids as well.

When the kids were gone at Danny's Jessica took that time to rest. This pregnancy has been getting harder as the days go on. Jessica didn't remember her first twin pregnancy being this intense. The doctors said it was normal and she was still on track to have a regular delivery when the time came.

Dorthy and Albert were still living with Jessica and Sam. Believe it or not, it was all working out perfectly. Having her parents at the house has been a big help. They were still unsure when their house would be ready to be lived in again, but there is no rush.

Today is Scarlett and Wyatt's big first day of kindergarten. Full time, five days a week. Their school also holds first through fourth graders so they won't be around people just their size all day.

It was going to be a big transition from pre school to kindergarten. Scarlett and Wyatt liked to call it "big kid school" or "real school". Jessica loved that her kids loved learning and were excited for this new chapter. She just can't believe how fast the time is going.

For their first day of school they woke up and Jessica's. Jessica and Sam got the two ready while Dorthy and Albert stayed home with Jack who was still asleep.

Jessica did Scarlett's hair and picked her clothes while Wyatt insisted that Sam does his hair and pick out his outfit.

By eight, they were out the door and heading to the school where they would meet Danny.

"We are big kids mama!" Wyatt says from the back seat

"Are you excited to learn all kinds of new things?" Sam asks

"Yes! Our teacher is really nice!" Scarlett smiles

"Miss Carey is very nice, isn't she?" Jessica says

"She gives us candy!" Wyatt says

"Hey, that's awesome. Will she give me candy?" Sam says as he drives

"Maybe..." Wyatt says


By eight fifteen they arrived to the school. Danny, Sam and Jessica walked the twins inside to get them all set up at their desks. Scarlett and Wyatt were going to be in the same classroom. That's how Jessica and Danny wanted it, but they were glad to see that they had their own little space on separate parts of the room since they don't share a table in their new classroom.

As soon as they sat down and decorated their tables they forgot that their parents even existed. They were so excited to be in this new environment with a bunch of kids their age.

"It seems that the Huston twins are very social." The teacher says to Danny and Jessica

"Yes, very. This is heaven for them." Jessica giggles

"I'm so glad to have them in my classroom. It's my first set of twins ever!" She smiles

"Well, you'll have little Jack in a few years and then a few years after that the Shepard twins." Danny chuckles

"Yes, lots of kids." Sam says

"Ohh, how wonderful! When are you due?" Miss Carey asks

"October... so you'll still be seeing a lot of me until then!" Jessica jokes

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