Home Birth

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September 15th, 37 weeks pregnant;

"Is this helping?" Sam says as he rubs Jessica's feet

"A little." She whispers in pain

She had cool towels around her neck and on her legs. It was two in the morning and Jessica was feeling the worst she had ever felt during this pregnancy. Sam was up with her all night trying to make her comfortable, but nothing seemed to work.

"I think I'm getting a contraction..." she says clenching onto the comforter.

Sam starts to panic. "Should I wake up your mom and tell her we have to go to the hospital? Where's the hospital bag?" He says

Jessica grabs his arm. "I've been having them all week. It's fine, this is normal. Besides, I'm waiting until the last possible minute to go to the hospital." She says in a weak tone

"... I just need you to be calm." She adds

Sam nods his head and rubs her back. "They'll be here soon enough."

"They are kicking really hard again." She says

Sam puts his hands on her stomach and feels the movement of his little girls. "This is crazy."

"I know."

"Does it hurt?"

She nods "a little, but I love feeling them kick. It lets me know that they are okay." She smiles

"I love you so much." He says leaving a kiss on her cheek

"Can you help me into the bath? I don't think I can fall back asleep." She says

"Of course. Bath salts?"

"Yes please!"


After Jessica's bath she let Sam go to sleep since he had work in the morning. She made sure to have him call for her nurse to come over later since she'd probably want to rest in the morning.

By seven Sam was out the door. Jessica's nurse was coming at three and her OBGYN was coming at three -thirty. Since Jessica is so far along, her OBGYN preferred at home visits.

Jessica tossed and turned throughout the morning. Her mom was able to get the kids to school. They were told to not come into Jessica's room since she was sleeping.

Jessica hated not seeing them this morning since Danny has them for the rest of the week, but she was too tired and felt awful.

Jessica was having contractions. They were strong but very far apart. Jessica was not worried. She wanted this birth to be as calm as possible. If she is in labor or whenever she does go into labor, she wants to do most of the laboring at home. Hospitals give her so much anxiety and she doesn't want that this time around.

By noon Dorthy came in to check on Jessica. She brought her tea and some snacks.

"Hey honey, how are you feeling?" Dorthy asks

"I'm having some contractions." She says softly

"Do you want me to call the doctors?" Dorthy asks

"She'll be here at three-thirty. Hopefully she can see if I'm dilated. I'm just letting my body do it's thing. I trust my body and my girls." She smiles

"I'm so proud of you. How about I stay up here and we can watch a movie." Dorthy smiles

"I'd love that."


By two Jessica was convinced that the babies are coming today. Dorthy agreed with her. Soon the nurse will be coming to do Jessica's IV. Shortly after her OBGYN will be at the house to determine what's next.

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