Beyond Perfect

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Later that night;

Today ended up being very chaotic and fast pace. Jessica's labor and delivery happened in the blink of an eye. Her and Sam felt like they didn't even have a chance to breathe since three.

Once the babies were born they were taken by ambulance to the hospital with Jessica. Jessica had teared and needed to be seen. They wanted to monitor her and the babies, but were assured they be home soon.

Dorthy stayed back at the house with Albert to give Sam and Jessica time with the babies.

Once things had calmed down, the babies had been seen and Jessica was taken care of, the four of them sat in the room together.

Jessica held baby A while Sam held baby B. Sam is sitting next to Jessica on the bed while their stare at their babies for hours.

"I can't believe this is real." Sam says

"I can't believe I feel perfectly normal." Jessica giggles

"Good, I'm glad." He says kissing her

"We need names for these little girls. As cute as A and B are." Jessica laughs

"How about we just stick with A and B until they need a birth certificate." Sam says with exhaustion

"Can I try feeding them both again?" Jessica says

"Drop the top!" He chuckles

Sam helps Jessica get ready to breastfeed both of the babies. This wasn't new to her, but it has been so long since she had two babies at one time.

"This is weird." Jessica laughs


"The feeling of breastfeeding. It's been so long."

"This is all new to me!" He says

"You're doing great." Jessica smiles

"Thanks baby."

"I think the nurse said we could be out of her by tomorrow. Maybe Danny can bring the kids?"

"Yes! So they can meet their sisters!"

"If we ever give them a name."


The next morning Sam and Jessica woke up to their cries of their little girls. Just like multiple over times throughout the night.

This morning Jessica was starting to feel the pain from delivery. For some reason, not having the epidural and having the babies at home felt more empowering than ever. She felt badass and strong. She was proud of her body and her daughters and herself. Her mind was still blown from the whole experience.

Her little girls were both born weighting six pounds. Baby B is bigger than baby An by a few ounces. For being born a few weeks early they were very strong and passed all of their tests to go home. It was like a dream come true for Sam and Jessica.

They were anxious for the family to meet the girls. Everyone was waiting for them at home.

In the middle of the night Sam and Jessica picked the perfect names. They signed the birth certificate just a few hours before it was time to be released.

Luckily throughout the chaotic day, Sam managed to remember the hospital bag. Together him and Jessica picked out the girls going home outfits.

"Jess, they are so small. I'm scared." Sam panics as he changes their diapers.

"Sam, it's okay." Jessica says

"God it smells fucking awful. They haven't even been born for twenty four hours." He says plugging his nose

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