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October 15th;

Eden and Emerson were officially a month old. Jessica and Sam could not believe how fast the time was going. It felt like yesterday that they were born.

Even though it has been a month, the entire family was still navigating their new normal with two new babies in the home. Nine people living under one roof comes with a lot of chaos, but everyone was making the most of it.

Jessica's parents are a huge help while they are still living with sam and Jessica. There house was set to be finished soon and Jessica was secretly dreading the day they leave. Having this much help and being so close with her parents has been great for her mental health. During this process of adjustment, any minor change would cause a huge rift in their routine.

Scarlett and Wyatt seemed to have grown up overnight. Now that they are older their personalities are really starting to shine. They are more mature and take the roles of being the eldest siblings very seriously. Jessica couldn't be more proud.

Jack was going through a lot though. He has always been a mamas boy. Sharing her attention with two other little ones was a lot for him. He has a lot of emotions and has his moments. Jessica is doing her best to make sure all of her children feel loved.

Recently Scarlett's teachers have noticed how well she has been performing in her kindergarten class. With Danny and Jessica's permission they pulled her aside for testing to see if she'll be eligible for the gifted program at her school. This was a huge thing for their little girl and could not be more proud. Now all they had to do was wait for the testing results.


Sam and Jessica just left Eden and Emerson's one month check up. Both of the girls were doing great. Emerson was weighing nine pounds while Eden beat her going into the double digits at ten pounds. It is always a relief to a mother to know you're doing all of the right things.

After the appointment Sam wanted to treat Jessica to lunch. With everything going on Jessica deserved to get out of the house and enjoy herself.

"Are we on a date right now?" Jessica asks as she sips her drink

"Yeah, I'd like to think that." He says looking over at the stroller with both of their sleeping babies.

"Well, date or not I'm happy to be with you." She smiles

"Ever since the girls got here it's been pretty hectic. I just want to make sure you have some time to breathe too." He says kindly

Sam was the most self-less person Jessica has ever met. He always puts everyone first. Even when he was at his lowest, he still worried and cared for his family.

"I'm doing okay. A lot of the days I feel defeated and can't help but feel like I'm letting someone down." She says breathlessly

"But you're not letting anyone down. We just have so more adjusting to do. It will all work out and before you know it, we'll have this five children thing down." He says, trying to lift up her spirits.

Sam could see that Jessica was struggling. She had a lot on her plate. With five children always depending on her and a house to run, he couldn't help but worry. Sam tries his best to do everything he can to help her.

"You're the best damn mother out there. Don't let your mind tell you differently."


Later that day;

After a nice lunch out with Sam Jessica and the twins took a power nap just in time before the big kids get home from school. Jessica's parents were out for the day spending time with George, so for a while it was just Jessica, Sam and the babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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