(8) Optimistic

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:-:Camilo's POV:-:

Camilo watched in horror as the floor fell apart, swallowing (Yn) up with it. He quickly stood up and ran over to the girl, calling her name, hoping for any sort of response. He kneeled by her side. "(Yn)?"

The (hc) headed girl didn't reply and lay motionless on the ground.

Casa Madrigal's stone floor began rippling like the waves of the sea, tossing everyone outside of its walls. Camilo held onto (Yn) tightly, until they were thrown into the lush green grass. Suddenly, the house fell to the ground as though it was only made out of cards. In mere minutes, the home that had belonged to the Madrigal's for half a century was reduced to nothing. Everyone stared at the sad heap of wood and stone as a cloud of dust flew up.

Camilo couldn't have cared less. He brought (Yn's) unconscious body to the protective shade of a tree, and kneeled next to her, holding her hand in his own. He noticed cuts and scratches along her body from where she fell through the wooden floor. Camilo's brown eyes began to fill with tears. "I'm so so so sorry, (yn)." He quietly wept. "I shouldn't have left you..." Tears flooded down the boy's face. Even though there wasn't anything he could've done, he still felt guilt for (Yn) getting injured.

"Camilo? What's going on over here?"

Camilo looked up to see his mother and father approaching him. "The floors began to collapse...a-and... (Yn) fell through." Camilo explained while wiping his tears away.

Pepa knelt on the ground next to her son and turned to her husband. "Go check if Julieta has anything that could help (yn), please."

Camilo leans his head against his mother as tears continue to fall down his cheeks. "This is all my fault, Mami." He sobs.

Pepa runs her fingers through Camilo's curly brown hair. "Honey, how could this possibly be your fault? (Yn) was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You weren't the one who made Casita fall apart, were you?"

"Well no... but (Yn)'s parents already didn't want her leaving their house, but...I-I helped sneak her out..."

"You did what?"

"I know I know..."

Julieta comes running over, carrying an arepa in her hand. "Where is she-Oh my goodness..." Julieta mutters, kneeling on the other side of (yn). "We have to wait until she's up so can eat this. It should still have its healing abilities since I made it before Casita collapsed. I can't do anything for her until then. Camilo, don't leave her until she's awake." Julieta hands Camilo the arepa and gives him a sympathetic look before standing up and dusting off her dress. "I'll go see if there's anything else I can salvage from the house...or what's left of it."

"I'll try to help." Pepa says. "Try to be optimistic, Honey. (Yn)'s tough, she'll be alright." Pepa kisses the top of Camilo's head before joining her sister.

Camilo stays by (Yn)'s side. "Please wake up..." he whispers gently nudging her shoulder. "I-I don't know what I'll do if you don't wake up soon. You're the only person who sees me, the real me. You helped me find out who I am... and... I realize now just how much you mean to me. I won't try to hide my feelings anymore, okay? ...Why didn't I just tell you? I should've told you..."


Suddenly, (Yn)'s eyes begin to flutter open. Camilo's face lights up with joy.


:-:(Yn)'s POV:-:

My eyes open. I slowly glance around, and notice Camilo kneeling at my side. His freckled cheeks were stained with tears, and his eyes were red from what I'm assuming was crying. "Camilo?"

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