SleepySOS•Brushing Your Hair//MGC

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This is written with the intention of helping set your mind at ease, to calm you, and relax if you are having troubles sleeping.

Let's find a happy place.

Close your eyes.
Two deep breaths, in the nose and out the mouth.
I'm serious.
Do it.

Here we go.

You've been laying in bed for some time now, your mind refusing to stop. The sheets begin to warm, robbing you from the relaxation you need to pass into respite. Gratefully, you hear the door open and Michael's weight sinks into the mattress behind you as the blankets stir, sending a cool waft of wind down the back of your legs.

His hand brushes your back as he scoots closer to you, seeking out your presence like he always does. His arm ever so gently wraps around you, careful not to wake you, before you grab his forearm. He pulls you tighter to his chest knowing your awake, and nuzzles into your neck, embracing you with so much safety and love you feel your whole body warm with happiness.

"You're supposed to be asleep," he whispers kissing your cheek softly.

"I can't," you whisper back.

You feel his body tense with protection before he repositions himself and his pillow so he slightly leaning over you. He tucks his arm under his folded pillow and rest on it, elevated higher so he can watch your face as his eyes adjust. His hand tenderly reaches out, landing at your temple at your hairline before his fingers brush through your hair.

You release a deep breath. In............. And out...............

He repeats the action, this time gripping your hair softly so it pulls away from your neck, bringing all the hair he can to him. His hand is slow and caring, his warm fingertips landing at your hairline then his fingers sink in to comb back to him. He occasionally runs a flat hand over your hair, smoothing it out before he brushes again.

His warm fingertips land at your hairline, they sink into your roots, kindly caressing your scalp, and then he combs in back before the strands fall to the pillow.

The white noise of his fingers sinking into your hair and massaging your scalp, mixed with his steady easy breath begin to relax you. The sensation is his delicate, loving touch sinks you further into the mattress. Your eyes begin to close. And he continues.

His warm fingertips land at your hairline, they sink into your roots, kindly caressing your scalp, and then he combs in back before the strands fall to the pillow.

You feel your mind letting go; focusing on his movement and his warmth. Today is forgotten. Tomorrow has still not come. You are here, right now. In this moment. You are peacefully in your present.

Sinking caress.
Brush back.
Michael's exhale.
Sinking caress.
Brush back.
Michael's inhale.
Sinking caress.
Brush back.
Michael's exhale.
Sinking caress.
Brush back.
Michael's inhale.
Sinking caress.
Brush back.
Michael's exhale.

You're mind gives over. Releasing like a tight budded flower as it blooms in contented delight. Michael's compassionate presence embracing you as you slip under the veil of peace and descend.

You are safe.
You are warm.
You are loved.



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