Destiny's Rose - [6]

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Chapter 4

“Sam, I-” Cole started. After saying his final good bye to Annabelle, Cole had been summoned to the carriage by his parents. His leaving was tear-filled as his parents apologized to no end, while he did just the same. He would never have to feel guilty about leaving his parents in a state of regret. As he walked to where Sam was waiting in the carriage, his parents had their arms around each other, waving and calling out their love.

“Stop referring to me as that. I am now Prince Cole,” Sam said stoically. Any sign of his earlier weakness was now gone, replaced with a disposition so cold it set Cole's teeth on edge. He fit the part well; he was fearless as a leader should be, just as Cole was not.

“You don't have to do this,” Cole protested.

“Yes, I do.”

The regimen of guards had now reached Cole's carriage. The decision was made. Sam was Prince Cole.

“Sir,” a soldier stated looking between the two boys with a confused look on his face, “we are about to depart.”

“Thank you, soldier. Carry on,” Sam said, his voice powerful. Cole couldn't help but think how Sam seemed so much more a king than he had.

Out the window, he saw the soldier making signals to his friends, trying to describe which of the boys must have been prince. It was amazing how easy it had been for Cole to fool his people. He hadn't been social as a child, he never much went to balls unless forced. Even then, he would stick as much to the corners with Sam as possible. They were seen together so often it might seem they were brothers. No one really knew him outside of the castle. His looks were enough like Sam's that it seemed much too easy to trick everyone.

The carriage set off with a lurch, the soldiers surrounding it on horseback. The morning was passed in stubborn silence on Sam's part, but Cole couldn't blame him. When they stopped for lunch, just outside the city gate, Cole was given a cold piece of meat, while Sam's was hot. The soldiers were already convinced Sam was the prince. Cole felt both relieved and ashamed at the same time. He had moved such a great burden from himself and placed it on is friend's shoulders. It was a terrible thing to be proud of.

The band of soldiers accompanying Cole and Sam was made of thirty men. The leader was easily distinguishable. His uniform was more outstanding than the rest, and he had the gait of a man of great importance. At lunch he had given a speech, introducing himself as Captain Jonathon Randers. He had acknowledged Sam as their noble cause for leaving home and families.

“But do not be distressed, my fair soldiers! For we will return home. We have only just left, and already I hear talk of home. Home sickness will not do. We must be strong, fearless soldiers, even our young chef, Drake, who has not even seen the gruesome face of war.” Chuckles resounded at that, while the chef blushed scarlet. “we must have an iron will to protect our Prince on his journey to his fair maiden. It is our duty to make sure no harm comes to him. Come soldiers, let us take part in a war song!”

Captain Randers led the soldiers in the war song of his kingdom.

Cole nearly wanted to laugh at the speech of his leader. He was so abnormal. His speech wasn't so much rallying as condescending. He clearly thought nothing of his soldiers and they didn't even realize. Cole stole a look at Sam and saw he was trying not to laugh as well. As soon as the war song was over the soldiers returned to their eating, though now there were loud conversations echoing throughout the camp site. Cole was no longer laughing at the man's speech. His guilt had come rushing back to him. He would have enjoyed talking with the soldiers had he not been so weighed down with grief. He couldn't help feeling his parents would be ashamed of him if they saw what he was doing. Pretending he was something else; hiding. But it was too late. He had to keep going. He had to seem strong, even if he didn't feel it inside.

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