Destiny's Rose - [8]

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“Hello boys,” Matthew said as he climbed in the carriage beside Sam. 

“Matthew,” Sam nodded. Cole gave the soldier a smile. 

“How is the pretending going today?” Matthew asked as he had each day since he found out. It had been another week already.

Sam gave him a sour look, while Cole's face turned a shade paler. 

“Oh lighten up,” Matthew laughed, “I was only joking.”[l]

Silence from both boys prompted the soldier to say, “So, Prince, you're dodging marriage to a beautiful princess because you want to find 'your perfect woman?'”

Cole nodded. Hadn't they already been over this?

“Well,” Matthew leaned back, “let's hear about 'er.”

“Hear about who?” Cole asked, hoping beyond hope that Matthew might drop it.

“This dream girl,” Matthew said with a roll of his eyes, “c'mon, let's 'ear it.”

“Well,” Cole trailed, “she would be pretty,”

Matthew and Sam nodded.

“and smart,”Matthew made gestures[m] with his hands to hurry Cole on.

“and kind?”

Sam gave an exasperated sigh, “You have no idea what you want, do you?”

Matthew chuckled, and kept his tone light and easy, “Of course, he doesn't. You didn't really think this cowardly, pathetic, sniveling brat actually had a plan, did you? He was born into success, he's never had to work and he didn't like the prospect of working to charm this Princess. This Prince would do anything to get out of his work.”

Every word dug into Cole like a knife. He was right, of course, but the way he said it, as though it was a given fact, hurt Cole more than the words themselves. 

“Matthew,” Sam said through clenched teeth, “get out and never talk to my friend like that again.”

Matthew gave another light chuckle before jumping out of the carriage[n].

“Sam,” Cole started, a miserable feeling in his stomach, “I'm so sorry. I-”

“Stop that!” Sam said as loud as he dared, “Stop apologizing! I'm sick and tired of it! You need to shape up and stop feeling sorry for yourself! All I ever heard you say was how much you hated being Prince, but now you're sorry for not being Prince? I'm sick and tired of your moods and your bad attitude! We're in this and that's final. Never apologize to me again.”

Cole was silent. After a couple seconds of uncomfortable silence, Sam said, “So, what is your dream girl like?”

“She'll have to agree with me,” Cole started, “Where would I be without someone to reinforce my decisions? My mother was always behind my father, agreeing with his decrees and making sure he had what he needed. She would know how to run a castle, the servants would love her and the cooks would always be making the best food. She doesn't have to be the most beautiful girl in the world, just hopefully not as unattractive as the old milk maids that lurked around the castle corridors,[o]” Cole paused to shudder at the thought, “my lady is going to admire me and adore me. She will only ever want to make me happy. She will be a proper Queen and sit by my side, waiting to fulfill my every wish.”

Sam nodded, thinking only of how stupid Cole was being. Did he want a wife or a slave?

“What about you Sam?” Cole asked.

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