Starting Again

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“I’m moving away and I want us to break up.” My boyfriend james informed me and my jaw dropped open.

“W-what? Why?” I stuttered unable to comprehend what was happening.

“Well I actually kind of sort of met someone better.” He explained like a dagger through my heart.

“WHAT! YOU’VE BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR ALL THIS TIME! WE’VE BEEN TOGETHER FOR SIX YEARS JAMES! TO SOME PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY MEANS SOMETHING!” I screamed at him until he got up and picked up the bag I hadn’t noticed was by the door.

“Scarlett, it did mean something but I just fell out of love with you. Especially after you kept talking about the future. Oh and by the way I’ve sold the flat so you’ll have to move out by the end of the week.” He told me and resisted growling at him as I didn’t think that would be the most mature thing to do. He then opened the door and left leaving me in a mess.

Where was I supposed to go? Hmm… Amy will know what to do. I then ran upstairs to find my phone and dialled her number and she answered after two rings.

“Hey Amy, can I get the advice service please…” I greeted and I heard her put Codi, her daughter, in front of the television.

“Of course, what’s up?” she asked once Codi was distracted.

“James broke up with me, apparently he met someone else. Also I have to move out within the week. Bastard.” I explained and I heard her stifle a giggle.

“Well there’s only one solution. Move back here and start again. Don’t put yourself through having to see his sexy ass every day, plus Codi would love getting to see you more often. You can move in with us until you get your own place.” She ordered

“I suppose your right. How about I drive down tonight, I can’t bear to be in the flat for any longer. Is that alright with you and Codes?” I asked and I heard her squeal down the phone.

“Of course it is! I’ll see you in a couple of hours.” She announced before hanging up the phone clearly so she could tell Codi. I then chucked my phone on our bed. Eugh! What if they did it in our bed? Remove thought… remove thought… I then found all of my suitcases and started to pack everything I owned into them including all of my fashion design course books. Who knows they might come in handy one day? Once I had packed everything I put it all in my car and headed off to Amy’s place in Miranary, Sussex.

A couple of hours later:

“SCARLETT!” Amy squealed as I got out my car with all of my stuff.

“Hey! Where’s Codi?” I asked and she then stood aside to reveal Tia dressed in cute pink pyjamas. “Hey Codes, are you ready for bed?” I cooed and she nodded holding her arms out for me to pick her up which I did.

“I can’t believe your actually here!” Amy exclaimed as she helped me with my stuff considering I had her daughter on my hip. Once the car was locked up we walked inside and I put Codi to bed as she had fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder. “Did she settle alright?” Amy asked as I walked back down her stairs and I nodded.

“I think it’s time to crack open the wine Aimz, or I might be asleep too. Plus we need to discuss what I’m going to do with my life now!” I told her and she scuttled off to grab the wine and two glasses.

“Right! While I was waiting for you I had the best career idea for you ever!” Aimz announced and nodded eagerly.

“What is it?” I asked and she made a drumroll.

“Open a shop! One where you could sell your own clothes, because I know that’s your talent and passion. That way when you were closed you could still have free time to meet a new guy when you’re ready.” She explained and I thought for a moment.

“You know, that’s not a terrible idea. I might just do that. But is there any shops up for sale?” I queried thinking practically.

“ARE YOU AN ACTUAL IDIOT? Your nan left you her shop and I know it’s still open but you could have a closing down sale to get rid of the stock and then have a massive redesign and opening day too!” she told me like she was talking to Tia.

“Of course! Now there’s just the problem of somewhere to live?” I told her breaking her bubble.

“Actually I think Liza said something about selling up and she lives across the road from the shop so that would be super handy. We can ask her about it tomorrow.” Amy asked clearly thinking out loud and I nodded draining the remaining wine in my glass.

“I knew those fashion books would come in handy one day!”

Starting AgainWhere stories live. Discover now