The Best Fit

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The next morning feeling so relaxed and ready to get the shop up and running. Once I’d spoken to Liz about the house across the road and as long as that worked out in my benefit then I will be able to start my life all over again without having to worry about James. Bastard.

“Good morning!” I greeted as I walked into the kitchen where Codi and Amy were sat eating breakfast.

“Morning Scarlett, did you sleep well?” Amy greeted back to me.

“The best, I feel as if a weight’s been lifted off my shoulders since leaving London. It really wasn’t my style; it was only because James wanted to live there. What are you two doing today?” I explained.

“Well I’m afraid I have to work, do you think you could look after Codes for me? it would be a massive help.” She asked and I nodded.

“Of course I can. I’ve not seen her in forever so I want to spend as much time as possible with her. Well I’d better get ready then while she finishes her breakfast.” I told her excitedly.

“Okay, see you in a bit.” Aims called as I ran up the stairs. I then got into the shower and washed myself clear of James. Once I was out of the shower I got ready in record time and headed downstairs where Amy was getting her coat on to leave for the house. “I’ve got to go now, remember to go and see Liz won’t you. Could be the answer to your last problem. Have a good day darling, love you!” she explained before waving goodbye and leaving the house.

“Well Codes, I suppose we better get you ready hadn’t we?” I told her before picking her up and taking her upstairs to get ready. Once she was clean I put her in a pair of light blue and a pink flowery top and she chose to wear her pink trainers. I then put her hair into a tiny ponytail and we headed back downstairs where I put her coat and gloves on before putting my own on, we then headed out towards Liz’s house. “Here we go, let’s hope she’s in Codes.” I explained as I knocked on the door. A moment or two later a smiling woman opened the door.

“Hello?” she greeted nervously.

“Hi I’m Scarlett, Amy’s friend. Hence Codi. Anyway she mentioned that you said something about selling your house? See I’m planning on moving here permanently and reopening my grandmother’s shop.” I explained and she listened intently.

“Well you two had better come in so I can tell you all about the house then dear.” She told me letting me and Codi into the house. “So your grandmother must have been Annie, I remember her well.” She informed me and I nodded.

“She really was a character, so how much are you selling the house for?” I asked eager to know how poor I was going to be.

“How does £75,000 sound to you?” she questioned after thinking momentarily.

“That sounds perfect, I’ll take it!” I announced and she looked shocked.

“Really? You’ve not even looked at the house yet? Or is the price just too good to refuse?” she queried confused.

“Well, I want to move in as quickly as possible because I don’t want to burden Amy. I can get the money to you later today if that’s good for you?” I explained and she nodded.

“That’s wonderful dear; see I already have somewhere to move to. How soon can you move in as I move to my new place tomorrow?”  Liz informed me and I nodded.

“As soon as you’re moved out really, all my stuff is at Amy’s. How about the day after tomorrow when you’re fully moved out?” I asked and she smiled at me and handed a biscuit to Codi. “Say thank you Codes.” I told her looking down at her.

“Fankoo!” She announced which was adorable.

“Good girl.” I praised and she tucked into her biscuit.

“You’re very welcome Codi, now Scarlett that idea sounds perfect to me. Would you like to have a look around the house and I’ll keep an eye on Codi for you?” she explained and I nodded and headed around all the different rooms. Twenty minutes later I was on my way home with Codi and was ecstatic at how perfect a house could be.

“Well Codi, shall we have some lunch?” I asked her and she nodded smiling looking up at me. “Okay let’s see what your mummy has got.” I explained and lifted her onto a bar stool before heading to look in the fridge just as the phone rang. I ran over and answered it. “Hello?” I greeted.

“Hey, it’s Amy. How did you get on with Liz?” Amy asked

“Oh great, I’m buying it later today once I’ve been to the bank to get the money. Then I move in the day after tomorrow, I’m so happy Amy!” I explained

“That’s great, have you fed Codi yet?” she asked

“Not yet, is there something particular I should give her?” I replied.

“Erm not really but I think there’s a tin of ravioli in the cupboard which I know she loves. Yeah I’d give her that and yoghurt for afterwards. Anyway I’ll be home at about half three today.” She explained.  

“Okay, I’ll go to the bank once your home then. See you later Aims.” I greeted and hung up the phone. I then went and grabbed the ravioli out of the cupboard and put it in the microwave and waited for it to be ready. Once the microwave dinged I put the food in Codi’s bowl and put it in front of her before turning to find something for myself.

Half past three arrived quickly and Amy walked in through the door which caused Codi to run into her mummy’s arms.

“Hello darling, did you have a good day with Scarlett?” Amy asked scooping her up and Codi nodded eagerly.

“I’m going to get to the bank now if that’s alright with you?” I told her and she nodded as I put my coat on. I then headed out the door and got in my car and drove all the way to the bank. Once I arrived at the bank I got the money out and left and headed back to Liz’s house, once I had given Liz the money I went back home where I noticed there was an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway. “I’m home!” I announced and Codi ran to me and so I picked her up and started wandering to try and find Amy.

Eventually I found her crying to herself in her bedroom and just as I was going to go over to her a strange man appeared with a gun.

“One more step and I’ll shoot her!” he ordered and I nodded. “There’s a good girl, now leave me and my girlfriend alone with her daughter.” He ordered again. HELL NO! There was no way I was going to leave Codi and Amy alone with this guy.

“No. I’m Codi’s godmother and I’ve never met you before and Amy there looks petrified. What are you planning on doing to her?” I announced confidently.

“Shut up! Fine you can stay but you’ll be tortured from what is about to happen to sweet innocent Amy. She’ll never be the same again!” he explained with a smug smile of his face. Just as he wandered over to Amy I heard a smashing downstairs which was then repeated up the stairs until the bedroom door was knocked down to reveal three policemen.

“MATTHEW CLARKE! You are under arrest for attempted rape and for escaping imprisonment.” They announced before handcuffing him and taking him away. I then ran over to Amy putting Codi down and we had a group hug.

“Who was he Amy?” I asked her sitting down next to her with Codi in my lap.

“Codi’s father unfortunately. I surprised you didn’t recognise him, he’s always on the television. He somehow escaped prison and he wanted to rape me.” she explained and my jaw dropped as I coved Codi’s ears at the last part.

“Well, I’m so glad she’s taking after you. Well I’m officially a home-owner on a happy note!” I told her and she smiled for the first time since I’d got home.

“I’m so happy for you Scarlett; all that’s left is to move in and to start the new shop. Any ideas for names yet?” she asked and I nodded.

“The best fit.”

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