The Date

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Knock Knock

As I heard the door knock I ran down the stairs with my heels in my hand with Amy behind me as she had insisted on helping me get ready for the date with Harry. I opened the door with one hand whilst trying to put my shoes on with the hand causing me to fall over into Harry.

“Didn’t realise I had you falling at my feet already?” he joked before helping me up.

“Oh ha-ha very funny, do you want to come in while I attempt to put my shoes on again?” I asked and he nodded sliding past me and then I shut the door and followed him to the sofas.

“I’m going to leave you two to your date now; I’ll give you a ring later on Scarlett.” Amy announced and I nodded as she left. I then put my shoes on and grabbed my coat and pulled Harry out the door.

“Where are we off to then Harry?” I queried.

“It’s a surprise! But don’t panic, you’re going to love it.” He teased

“If you say so… now tell me where your taking me, I don’t do surprises!” I moaned causing him to chuckle to himself.

“We’re here, what do you think?” he asked as we pulled into a car park and as I looked around I couldn’t help but smile.

“The beach! How did you know?” I exclaimed and he smiled before getting out of the car and opening my door for me. What a gentleman.

“Come on, there’s another surprise on the actual beach which should be ready by now.” He explained taking his hand in mine which felt so nice. As we walked onto the beach I noticed about 50 tea lights were lit leading to a table with two large candles and a bunch of roses on top of it. There was also a waiter waiting by the side holding an open bottle of red wine. My favourite.

“Is this for us? It can’t be, our surprise must be further down, right?” I asked and he nodded.

“It’s for us Scarlett, so let’s sit and eat. I want to get to know you.” He explained as he pulled a chair out for me.

“Okay, what are we eating?” I asked suddenly starving.

“Were starting with crisp prosciutto, pea and mozzarella salad with mint vinaigrette. How does that sound?” he announced and I was impressed.

“Sounds delicious! So what do you want to know?” I queried fluttering my eyelashes

An hour later finishing dessert:

“That meal was amazing Harry! Your wasted in Art, you should be a chef or something.” I complimented and he smiled at me.

“You realise I didn’t cook all of this don’t you? I hired a chef. I can’t cook to save my life.” He revealed and I giggled.

“Thank god, I can’t cook either! We’re a right pair aren’t we. It’s a good job I’m friends with Amy, she always makes me food to heat up when I want it.” I explained and he smiled happily at me.

“You ready to go, I have another surprise for you.” He announced and I nodded. As we walked to the car I slipped my hand into his and it just felt right, I just felt at home at last. As Harry opened the door I let go of his hand causing me to feel cold again before climbing into the car and Harry shut the door for me.

“Where are we off to this time?” I asked hoping he’d tell me this time.

“I’m not telling, it’ll give it away.” He teased and I glared jokingly at him. Twenty minutes later he pulled into a parking spot outside a park which confused me.

“A park?” I asked

“Yes, you’re going to love it!” he informed me as we got out of the car and started walking hand in hand warming me back up again. Soon enough we arrived at a blanket on a patch of grass with a bottle of red wine. My new best friend. It also had tea lights leading up to it just like at the beach. How romantic was this guy?

“This is amazing Harry!” I squealed and he chuckled as we sat down and he opened the wine. He then poured two glasses and handed one to me. “This is GOOD wine!” I announced causing Harry to start laughing.

“Are you having a good time?” he asked worried I’d say no. just as I was about to answer I had a better way to tell him. I put my glass of wine down which confused him and then leaned forward and placed a hand on the back of his neck which hinted to him what I was about to do and so he put his wine down too. He then placed a hand on my cheek and pulled me in closer and kissed the hell out of me. The kiss was passionate but tender and just perfect. He was perfect. How has nobody snapped him up before now? As we broke away I noticed we were both breathless.

“Wow.” I announced and we both erupted into laughter.

“You know I’ve never felt like this for anyone before and especially on the first date.” He explained and I smiled.

“Me either, I feel like I’ve finally found my home. Do you know what I mean?” I replied and he smiled.

“I do, I feel exactly the same way. It’s like I feel cold whenever were not touching. I can see us being together for a long time, don’t you?” he asked.

“Yeah me too! I knew leaving London would be the best decision I ever made and you just prove every time I learn something new about you.” I explained and he just smiled at me endearingly.

“Well it seems that wine didn’t last very long did it? Shall we leave and go back to one of ours and we’ll grab some more wine on the way home?” he queried and I nodded.

The next day:

As I woke up I couldn’t help but grin brightly at the memory of last night. When we’d come back we had just drank wine and chatted for hours about everything. I couldn’t wait to tell Amy, she’d be so stoked for us. Maybe he’d no someone for her to go out with. First things first I need to dress the shop for the reopening in two weeks or it will never be ready. As soon as I was ready to leave I put my coat on and closed the door behind me before I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist.

“Good morning!” I heard Harry whispered into my ear. I smiled before turning around in his arms to face him.

“Yes it is now I’ve seen you. What are you doing today?” I asked hoping he was free.

“Nothing, why?” he answered making me happier.

“How do you fancy helping me fix the shop up? Plus we’d get to spend more time together.” I questioned and he beamed back at me.

“I’d love to! Come on let’s go.” He replied smiling down at me placing a small kiss on the tip of my nose making me break out in Goosebumps.

A few hours later at the shop:

“I can’t believe we finished all of this in a day!” I announced and I sat in Harry’s lap on the floor.

“Me either! What’s left before the shop opening?” he asked and I thought before answering.

“Well I need to sort out the advertisement, make the products to sell and I think that’s it.” I explained before I had an idea. “I have a great idea, you said you can never find anyone to sell your paintings to right?” I started turning my head to see what his reaction was. Confusion but agreement. “Why don’t I sell some of your paintings in the shop?” I asked and he smiled.

“Beautiful and smart!” 

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