Hit The Road Jack

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“No don’t do that, you’re too nice to be my rebound guy Harry. I need a one night stand before I can move onto someone as nice as you. I couldn’t bear to break your heart. I’ve suffered it first hand from James and I couldn’t bear to be the cause of you being broken.” I told him after pushing him away.

“I understand, but you wanted to though?” he asked hopeful

“Yes, so much!” I replied blushing

“Well that’s it then, we need to get you your rebound guy. Tomorrow night, were going into the city and I’m going to find you a guy even if it kills me!” Harry informed me and I nodded and saluted at him.

“I’ll look forward to it!” I teased and he nodded proudly.

“Right I’m off now, get a good night’s rest Scarlett we don’t want you looking like crap for the rebound now do we.” He ordered as he put his coat on before walking out the door.

How can I feel so safe around someone I’ve only known for a day? Man I need to talk to Amy, I wonder if she’s still up? I grabbed my phone and dialled her phone number and luckily she answered quickly.

“Hey Amy, you weren’t asleep were you?” I greeted

“No of course not, it’s only eleven. What’s up anyway?” she replied and I sighed in relief

“Erm… Harry tried to kiss me.” I told her and she squealed

“OH MY FREAKING GOD! Well, did you kiss him back?” she asked

“Tried is the operative word Ames, I told him I didn’t want him to be my rebound guy. So now he’s taking me into the city tomorrow night to get my rebound one night stand.” I explained

“Oh… well are you ready for that? I mean you were with James for six years.” Ames asked hesitantly

“We didn’t actually sleep together for the last year though… so I reckon I’m fine with it. Especially if it means I can forget about James and start a relationship with Harry.” I told her

“Really? All year? God almighty, well how about I come with you tomorrow and I’ll get your mum to look after Codi?” she questioned me and I gulped. My mum. Looking after Codi. A child. The woman. Who didn’t look after me.

“My m-mum? Why her?” I stuttered quietly

“Oh shoot, I forgot you two don’t talk do you. Or I can ask Edward across the road to look after her. Whatever you feel comfortable with?” she asked and I sighed

“Ames, she’s your daughter so it’s who you feel she’s safe with. I’ll tell Harry tomorrow that you’re coming with us. Now I better go, I’ve got to go shopping for the shop interior tomorrow.” I told her and hung up.

The next day:

Knock knock

Eugh, what is it with people waking me up early. I pulled myself out of bed and ran to answer the door.

“Hell-JAMES! What are you doing here?” I asked suddenly angry at who was standing at my door.

“I came back for you! I miss you and you know were the perfect couple, so come back to London with Me.” he explained causing my blood to boil.

“NO!” I screamed before slamming the door in his face and sliding down the door to the floor when there was another knock on the door. “GO AWAY JAMES!” I shouted through the letterbox.

“Scarlett, its Harry. I heard you screaming and thought I’d come and see if you were okay?” he spoke softly back through the letterbox causing me to get up and open the door to let him in.

“I’m sorry about the screaming, it’s just my ex James was at the door saying he wanted me back.” I explained as we both sat on my sofa.

“It’s okay, we don’t have to go out tonight if you don’t want to?” he soothed

“No this has given me even more of a reason to want to get over him. Plus Amy is coming with us too and she needs to get herself a boyfriend.” I explained and he chuckled at me.

“Okay, well what are you doing today?” he asked

“Well I was planning on going shopping for interior fittings for the shop; you could come if you want. I might actually make a decision that way.” I explained and he nodded.

“I’d love to, I’ll drive. Come on go get your coat and we’ll go.” He replied and I nodded picking up my coat and we headed out the door to his car and got in.

At the club later that night:

“Amy, what about him? He looks like your type, why don’t you go and talk to him?” I asked her and she just tutted at me.

“I told you, I’m not here to get a guy for myself. I already have my eyes on Edward, he just hasn’t realised yet. Ooh what about him, he looks like a good rebounder for you.” She explained and pointed at a guy sat at the bar drinking a pint of beer. Hmm he could work.

“I suppose so… I’ll go and talk to him. Should I lie about my name or anything, I don’t know how all of this really works?” I asked her and she nodded.

“Yeah, say your name is Jane and that your 24. Now go get him.” She informed me and pushed me towards the bar with my red wine in hand.

“Hi.” I started as I sat on the stool next to the guy and smiled at him.

“Hi, I’m Jack. What’s your name?” he greeted smiling back at me.

“I’m Jane. What are you doing sat here alone?” I asked actually curious.

“Oh I kinda got stood up, but couldn’t bear to do the walk of shame just yet. Who are you with? Boyfriend, husband?” he asked and I giggled.

“No just two of my friends… Amy and Harry. Just over there, the ones looking over here really obviously.” I explained and he laughed.

“So your single then?” he queried and I nodded. “Do you fancy coming back to mine then?” he continued and I nodded.

“I’ll just go and tell my friends and meet you outside.” I told him and he nodded getting up and heading outside. I then ran over to Amy and Harry to tell them.

“You’re going back to his aren’t you?” Harry asked teasingly.

“Yes I am, but don’t worry I’ll leave as soon as possible. Then hopefully I’ll be over the bastard and can get on with my life.” I explained and he nodded relaxing. “Now go have fun you two. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I told them and ran off outside to meet him.

“Hey, there’s a taxi this way.” Jack greeted and I followed him into the back of a black car. He then told the driver his address who drove the way there and Jack paid for it as we got out. We then ran inside as it was raining, once we were inside Jack started to kiss me and I just complied with it all to get this over with.

“That was amazing!” Jack announced once it was over before turning over and falling asleep. Once he was snoring I quietly got dressed and left the house. I then dialled Harry’s number to see if he could pick me up.

“Hi Scarlett, do you need picking up?” he greeted and I smiled. He’s too nice for his own good.

“Yes please, if it’s not a problem?” I asked.

“Of course it isn’t, what’s the address?” he queried and I told him and he arrived in just under ten minutes.

“Hey, you’re a lifesaver.” I greeted as I climbed into the car.

“Oh I know, now spill did you do what you needed to do?” he asked getting straight to the point.

“Yes and it definitely worked, I’m so ready for a real relationship. One not based on lies and cheating.” I informed him and I could see just a hint of a smile on his face.

“I’m glad, now how about I take you out tomorrow night?” he proposed and I nodded smiling. 

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