Chapter 8 ~ The Truth

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'She's lost a lot of blood.' The nurse. I could tell, barely.

'Please just help her.' That was Draco.

'I don't know if she'll make it.' The nurse again.

'Please. I can't loose her too.' Draco..

Draco's POV:

"She's in a coma." That's what the nurse told me. She had cut herself probably way before I got there. I couldn't save her. And it was all Mattheo's fault. I have to tell everyone what really happened. I walked into the Great Hall and sat by Blaise. "Hey Blaise." "Malfoy," he said drily. "Blaise listen to me, what Riddle told you is all lies. Trust me. I was there." "You were? How do I know I can trust what you're saying. This could all be lies." "Dude you've known me all your life. You know when I'm lying." "Fine, make your case." I explained to him everything that happened when I walked in there. How Ella was tied up. What Mattheo said. Every last thing. Blaise's face was unreadable. I couldn't tell if he believed me or not. When I finished he say there thinking. "Ok," he finally said, "I believe you." Thank god. "I also believe," he started, "that you have really strong romantic feelings for Ella." "Whaaat? Noooo." Shit. Is it that obvious? "Yea you do. I can see the way you care for her. "Pshhh, we're just friends." "Okayyy." 

Just then Mattheo walked into the Great Hall. He was crowded with girls and walking with Ella's brother, Nate. They walked up to where I was sitting with Blaise. Nate sat on the other side of the table and Mattheo pushed me over to sit beside Blaise. "What the hell man?!" I exclaimed. "What? You were in my seat and wouldn't move so I moved you myself." He's such a dick. "Riddle, that's not your seat," Blaise said. "Ouch Zabini. What's up with you today? Why don't you pull that stick out from your ass and chill." Blaise stood up to hit him but i caught his wrist before he could. If anyone was gonna get that satisfaction, it would be me. "Blaise, not the time." "Trust me, i'll get the time." Mattheo just sat there with a smirk on his face. Like this was the reaction he wanted. Or like he knew it was bound to happen. 

I got out of my seat and dragged Blaise out of the Great Hall. "What the fu-" I cut him off, putting a finger up to his mouth and pushing him up against a wall, my hands on his shoulders. "Just listen. Ok," he nodded, "good. Now Mattheo wants this reaction. You can't give him what he wants." "Bu-" "Shut up. Listen. Ella is in a coma. He put her there. I need revenge. And just a punch isn't enough." He raised an eyebrow as if asking me if he could talk. I nodded and released him. "I have the perfect thing," he said smirking, "It's time we paid a little visit to some dear friends of mine."

Blaise's POV:

"Gryffindors?! Really?!" Draco said whining. "Yes really. These two are the best at revenge and pranks. If you ever need anything, it's them you want with you." I knocked on the Fat Lady's portrait "No. You don't mean..." He got cut off by the portrait opening. "I'd like to talk to the Weasley twins." "No no no no no no no no no no," Draco whispered. "Man up." "We were summoned," George said. "Draco has a... problem." "Draco?" they said raising an eyebrow. "Look I know we've had some... past," Draco said coming out from behind me, "but I really need this." "It's to get revenge on the guy who hurt the girl he loves." "Blaise!" "Love? Draco?" Fred said. "That's something you don't hear everyday," said George. "We'd love to meet her," said Fred smiling. "You can't," Draco whispered. "Why not?" said George. "Cause she doesn't exist?" asked Fred as George smacked his arm. "She's in a coma because she cut and tried to kill herself because of rumors that Mattheo's twisted mouth spread," Draco spat. "Damn," the twins said simultaneously. 

Draco's POV:

"We've got you," said George, "let me get our things. George left and Fred was standing in the portrait hole alone. An awkward silence fell after George left. No one talked. Until. "Who's the lucky girl Malfoy?" Fred asked, finally breaking the silence. "Ella Langston," Blaise said. "Thank you, Malfoy," Fred replied shooting Blaise a look then turning to me. "Ella? Isn't that the girl who raped Mattheo?" He asked. That only infuriated me more. "That fucking man-whore spread lies and twisted the story so he seemed like a victim when it was the other way around. If I hadn't been there, she would have been hurt," I almost yelled at him. "Calm down Malfoy. You'll get your justice. Be patient," George said walking up to them with a box of random things, labeled 'Extreme.' "Seems like just the stuff he needs," Blaise says. 

We all walk inside the Gryffindor common room. I've never been in here when it wasn't full of drunk students partying. It's very red and looks honestly kind of cozy. I look in the box after George sets it down on a table in the corner. Something that looked like a smoke bomb with red tape around it caught my eye. I picked it up but as soon as I did George took it from me and said, "That may be too extreme." I shrugged and went back to searching the box. I looked for a while until I found something interesting. A vile labeled crackling smoke. "Ah. That's for potions,"George said. "Just slip it into Mattheo's cauldron when you pass by," Fred continued. George then added "When he's not looking and..." "Boom," they say together. "Boom," Blaise whispered in my ear. I pushed him away. "This sounds perfect," I say. "Lemme see it real quick," George says. I hand it to him. He gets down on one knee and raises his hands up. Blaise perks up from behind me as George looks up at me. "What is going on," he whispers. "I don't know," I whisper back. "Draco L. Malfoy," George starts. Did he really say L and not Lucius? "Will you use this for justice and revenge and swear to not use it on any innocent bystanders?" He finished. "Um yea?" He stands up and places the vile in my hands. "Take care man," George says. "Don't lose that shit and come whining for more," said Fred. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it," I said smiling and walking out with Blaise. Mattheo is gonna get what he deserves.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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