Not Bad

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Lillian had a list of things she had to do before going to town, maybe too many things, but her master demanded they needed to be done. Lillian looked at the list and smiled as she got all of it done except for one thing, brush the horses. The horses loved her, and she didn't count them as work since they were more like her friends. Lillian had been a slave to this family ever since she could remember, and they reminded her that she was just that. Nothing more, just an enslaved person that could do everything from milking the cows to babysitting and even sewing, which she hated but had to do it a lot anyway. She missed the days when the first masters had taught her things and treated her like a person, but when they died and the children took over, they branded her like a horse.

Their daughter left and married some rich man while she was stuck with a man she knew she didn't raise. Lillian tried hard to make both children good, but both ended up selfish and hateful to her. Danny was her new master's name, Sir Danny Mires, and it was always Mr. Mires in any setting. His parents were kind to her and even granted her freedom when they passed, but the children refused. Lillian didn't mind much, mainly because this family was all she knew.

She finished cleaning the floor and sighed weakly as her dress was utterly wet now. Danny walked in and kicked over the bucket, and chuckled. Joy sighed but smiled a bit, trying to hold her tongue.

"You need to change; you look like a slob. Make sure you wear something nice," he informed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mires, I will look good enough to go to town with you," she informed.

"Good, by the way, make sure you stay out of sight. I'm getting a whore tonight, and I don't want you bothering me," he informed.

"Am I staying in the barn again?" She asked softly.

"Well, you aren't sleeping in a bed if that is what you're asking. Enslaved people must learn that their master's needs come first, not second. Your bed is no concern, and if I catch you with anyone, I will sell you," he growled.

Lilian wasn't allowed to date or have friends. It was lonely at times, so she talked to the animals she cared for and tried making stories to pass the time and read. Lilian loved learning about living creatures and monsters, too. She nodded and started to clean up the water. She went to the tinny house he made just for her behind the house. It was just wooden walls and a roof with a hay bed. Her clothes were on a chest, and she took out a dress and smiled a bit.

She got that dress for her thirtieth birthday. She decided to take off her wet clothes and change them. She fixed her hair, and she looked into the broken mirror before walking back to the large house.

"Don't forget tomorrow I'm leaving for a month, and you need to make sure everything is clean when I come back; I might come back home earlier," he informed as she nodded.

Lillian walked next to the horse as he headed into town. It was a long walk, but she enjoyed the quiet and seeing all the beautiful plants. Lillian picked up a couple of flowers and added them to her braid. When they went into town, it was busier than she ever expected it would be on a Sunday afternoon. She saw children playing in the streets and saw people that weren't from around here at all. Lillian wished she was allowed to talk to them but being a slave had several disadvantages.

Lillian heard a bard singing away and smiled a bit as she saw him pass by. Men like him never survived that long in places like this, and she decided to give him a nickname to put in her diary later. Dandelion seemed to suit him because the man didn't seem like he could take a punch from anyone, not even her.

"Come with me, Lillian Joy, now!" He ordered, not realizing she had been staring at the man.

Lillian Joy Maze was her full name, but Lillian was the name his mother would name their second daughter if they had one, but they never did when she came along. He hated her for her name and what she was, even though she had no idea what she was. She was just ageless, an ageless enslaved person.

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