The 100 year spell

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They made it to her old home, and it seemed put together, but no one was there; oddly enough, they started to look for clues as to who Lillian was before, but nothing seemed to trigger a memory, and Lillian only had two marks left. On her body. It was early morning, and Lillian was making breakfast for everyone. It was quiet, and she seemed more distant than usual.

"Lillian, can we talk, please?" Geralt asked as she looked at him, confused but then ignored him.

The odd thing was that Lillian ignored everyone and started doing everyday household things like washing dishes.

"Lilly?" Yennefer asked as she looked at her.

"What? Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Why am I washing these dishes? They are already clean," Lillian informed as she put them down.

"It's your mark affecting you; something here or near this house is bothering you," Geralt informed.

"Maybe my husband is nearby," Lillian informed.

"Lilly, you need to keep an open mind. It could be anything," Yennefer informed.

"I know; I want it to be. I miss my husband, I think," Lillian informed as Geralt sighed a bit.

How he wished he could be there for her. Geralt knew he was the last person right now that she wanted to be near after all the shit he had done to Lillian. Maybe someday Lillian could forgive him, but Geralt only ever wanted what was best for her. He wanted Lillian to go home and be with the family she spent a hundred years making.

Lillian hurried back outside, but instead of stepping out, she stopped dead in her tracks, making Geralt go to her quickly. One of her marks was gone. Lillian didn't look happy; she looked more drained than anything else. Lillian walked outside, and Geralt tried to get her attention, but she wasn't acknowledging he was there. So instead, Geralt followed Lillian; so did Jaskier and Yennefer. They went deep into the woods until they stopped before a closed-off cave, making Geralt look at the other two.

"No... please let this not be what I think it is," Jaskier whispered as she moved the large stone with her powers.

Lillian grabbed a torch and lit it with her powers. They followed Lillian into the cave but stopped as they started seeing stone coffins. Lillian burned all the torches, and to their horror, the whole cave was filled with graves. Yennefer covered her mouth as she saw panted pictures above every single coffin, even small ones that could fit an infant. In the very front was Lillian's husband. He looked so much like Geralt, except Anatol had three slash marks across his face, and he had to be six foot nine at the very least. Her wedding dress was by his coffin, including hundreds of journals, her armor, and Anatol's by his side. Lillian's memories were on display last punishment for not being able to protect her family.

"What happened to everyone?!" Yennefer asked as Geralt could see why the curse was on her.

Lillian did put a curse on herself to forget her pain. This was all that was left of her family; Lillian sat by his grave and started crying. Lillian's whole family was dead; Geralt went by her side and looked up at the picture and saw the man smiling as he held Lillian in his arms. Geralt looked around at the dates on the graves and saw most of them died the same day. Everything they built together was gone, so she didn't want to leave this property.

"So you married a witcher... I can see why you were so carrying when we first met," he said weakly as he looked around.

Her brothers were beside each other, and all the pictures looked happy. Some had scorch marks on their edges, making him wonder what happened to them. He decided to open up Anatol's coffin. He pushed the heavy stone top back and saw holes in his shirt. He counted ten. Then Geralt saw the arrows laying next to him stained with blood.

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